Chapter 26 - Ilena

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It's not too long now, I think to myself as I watch the preparations for yet another feast being spread out about the town.

Flags of all colors wave in the wind. Garlands of flowers are draped everywhere, banners proclaiming peace are scattered in the wind, and the flag of Feralis wave from about a hundred new perches.

My brother is downstairs somewhere, fooling around with Amalia on her last day in Feralis. Tomorrow she returns to the world around us, to the new found peace. I know that the world will be better off now, my life's mission is complete, my time has come.

I'm sitting on the balcony in my room, the room I had as the heir to the throne, the room that Lues returned to me when he was named king. The wind is blowing, a salty ocean breeze that tickles my neck and whistles through the trees. I breath in the cool mountain air and watch the golden sun climb ever higher in the glittering blue sky.

A gut wrenching pain tears through me, and I hold back a scream, letting out broken gasps of pain instead. I cough, and blood splatters from my mouth to the stone floor. It hurts, badly, I grip my stomach in agony. Tears well in my eyes as I lay back against the chair.

"Its not, its not fair," I whisper to no one in particular.

"You'll be at peace soon," the wind seems to say, and I watch the clouds.

The specter of my mother appears, her smile warm, then my father besides her. My darling cousin, Gregor, smiling besides them, forgiveness in his eyes.

"We'll see you again soon Ilena," the specter of my mother whispers, and I know that it's an illusion, one that gets blown away in the wind.

"I don't... I don't want to die."

A tear runs down my cheek as the pain grows unbearable. I grit my teeth and the tears fall, pooling on my cheek. My red hair blows in the wind and I look up at the azure sky one last time. I wonder what the afterlife is like, if it exists at all.

I can hear pounding at my door, my heart is pounding too, but louder and louder. I watch the sky and grip the chair in fear. I really don't want to die, I'm not ready to leave my brother, I never even said goodbye. The tears dry.

"I'm the Angel of Death, I shouldn't fear it," I whisper to myself but it doesn't really help. I can feel myself slipping away. "I love you Lues, I'm sorr..."

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