Chapter 17.1 - Amalia

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"Wow," Lues exclaims when I walk into the foyer. "You look incredible, Amalia."

"Why thank you kind sir," I say with a curtsy.

My ball gown is made of a copper colored fabric with green sheer draping over the under-gown. Underneath the layers of skirts and the metal cage, I'm wearing black leggings with a holster around my thigh for the knife encased in it. The Brein assured us that the knives were just to ensure we had protection, and I'm glad for it. I can't describe the comfort I feel, knowing that I have a weapon on hand in case of emergency.

It's time for the ball at last I think as I look nervously at the grand doors that lead into the ballroom. Music drifts from the room, and the sounds of chatter float into the room where we are waiting.

Lues is already here, Katlyn as well. Twysog Rhyfelwr is sitting in the corner, playing with his bronze sash edged in purple tassels. His head is adorned in a thin bronze circlet with an amethyst set into the metal. The Frenhinol's are very into their house colors. Ilena and her father are nowhere to be found.

I take another look at Lues, he has a metal crown on his head, he probably doesn't want to worry about accidentally burning someone. The crown is gold and looks very similar to the one Carber took from him.

I didn't even know how much I hated Carber until Ilena told her story, but that's a thought for another time.

I take in Lues's dress coat, a blood red thing made of some soft but tough fabric. The gold edging is beautifully done, and golden embroidery covers the darker parts of the uniform. I personally think that his normal uniform is good enough, it's not too showy, it displays the horror of this war. Even the king isn't exempt from the messy chaos that is battle.

We watch each other for a moment, then the moment is broken by the creak of the smaller door that leads to this foyer. Royal guard step through the door, dressed in purple, bronze, and black. These are the royal family's personal guard.

Their uniforms aren't the ridiculously colorful uniforms that the guards in the showier parts of the castle wear, these guards are dressed head to toe in black, with purple and bronze embellishments on the cuffs. They bow to King Lues and then to the twysog.

Through the door now steps the Brein, his red hair combed back beneath the bronze marvel that is his crown. His dress uniform coat is pure white, with bronze epaulets on his shoulders and a purple sash across his chest. His pants are black, with stripes of purple on the outer sides. With a pale hand on her father's arm, Ilena enters the room, and you could almost hear Katlyn's mouth drop.

Ilena, walks with the grace of a panther and the ease of a natural born royal, which she is. Her easy grace is matched only by the beautiful cut and design of the dress she wears. Her dress has no sleeves, it simply hangs from the top of her chest. The bodice is a pale lilac that almost seems to blend into her skin. A trail made of the same shimmering satin flows down behind her. It's embroidered and hemmed in bronze thread. Her skirt is a darker shade of purple, and it flows fully down to the floor.

Ilena's red hair is spun into a circle on top of her head, with a single thin braid running down her back. A bronze diadem is looped around her bun, and it glitters in the multicolored moon light shining through stained glass windows. Bronze bracelets are set around her biceps. It's strange, I know she's a lot stronger than most people, makraz and otherwise, yet her muscles don't seem to show it. Her skin is pale, so the small patchwork of scars on her arms stand out like black on white.

"You clean up nicely cousin," Rhyfelwr compliments, standing up. "Why don't we get this party started?"

"We shall," the Brein says, nodding to the herald to start our announcements. "The order will be Ms. Marx and Rhyfelwr, then King Lues and Amalia, then myself, lastly, we will reintroduce Ilena Frenhinol to her people."

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