Chapter 12.1 - Lues

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How many times is this now, how many times have I seen my sister seriously injured? She's always recovered, but what if this is the one time she doesn't. The last time I saw her in a state like this... I'd been fifteen, I'd just lost my father and for the first time I realized how much she meant to me.

Before she went missing, I hated her, not hated, but I didn't love her like a little brother should. I suppose I must've been jealous, because she was powerful and strong and everything a hero should be. I was the weak little brother who she had to coddle, I was the one who would die in her shadow.

Then Ilena went missing, then my father came back dead. I realized I'd only met her five times in my life, out of my fifteen years she'd only been at the palace with me for five, the first ten she spent away, she came back for a year, left for another two, and came back for two years before going missing. I realized that I might never see her again, never get to learn why so many people loved her so much.

When she came back half dead, I only got to see her once. She'd smiled at me through the pain and grief, and I ran to her and told her I was sorry for hating her and even though she was hurt she talked to me for hours and I finally learned that my sister had never thought of me being her shadow or a weak little brother she had to protect. When our mother died a year later I finally understood that we could only trust each other, and nobody else.

When she was stripped of her royal titles, because she was no longer fit to be heir. Not after failing to protect the monarch. I became the prince and she became my knight and closest companion.

I don't understand why my mother hid the secret, about the limiter, from me, I mean, before I was the heir it wouldn't have mattered to me, but when I became the heir she should have told me. It's vital informatio. My general could never be at full power and I didn't even know it. My sister's magic was literally killing her but nobody told me.

Daylight is always supposed to make everything seem better, it's supposed to help you get a new perspective, but all it brings me are more questions. All I have now are thoughts, and things I want to ask my dead mother and father, things I want to ask my sister, unconscious in front of me.

Katlyn is with me, silently watching and listening, like a sentry. I know she doesn't like seeing my sister like this, this is the third time she's almost seen Ilena die. I've never truly understood their relationship, I mean, I know they're close friends, but it seems Katlyn feels for Ilena a little more strongly than that. I don't ask though, it feels wrong to ask about that, especially when I know that Ilena has never seemed to think that way.

The door to the room groans open, and Amalia walks in. She's wearing a dress today, a silvery confection made of lace and silk. It drapes down from her like a waterfall, small white flowers decorate her honey blond hair in a cascade of curls, braids, and loops. The pale color of her dress only increases the beauty of her eyes.

Katlyn becomes alert, watching Amalia with rapt attention. However close I've become with Amalia, I know Katlyn will always see her as an enemy. Amalia will always be a threat to me for as long as she lives, but I can't seem to think about her that way anymore. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Amalia is my friend, but I think that we are getting there. It's so strange to look at the girl who was once my enemy and not automatically assume she's here to attack me.

She looks down at Ilena, she's looking for something in my sister, but I'm not sure what. Amalia walks down the three steps to the bed area of the bedroom. She walks towards Ilena, taking in the pale skin and parched lips. Her shiny new scar, snaking down the right side of her face. Katlyn watches her, now that Amalia is so close to Ilena, Katlyn's on high alert.

"I won't do anything you know, not while we're in Mawrhydi, which is an ally to you guys by the way," Amalia says, commenting on Katlyn's behavior.

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