Chapter 22.1 - Katlyn

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Every breath I take crystalizes in the frozen northern air. Smoke is stark against the grey sky, and snow lays in mounds on the ground. Houses built entirely of stone and thick wooden beams are set up in neat rows, an army of buildings against the immense cold.

The wharf has only a few ships docked on it. The Tsnegwasor, the Pegasus, and the Marchioness are the largest three. The only other ship flying the pirate's standard is the Marchioness. As we step onto the wood of the pier, cheers ring out. People are crowded around the docks, more joining every moment as the people of Awosehir welcome home their king.

Lues waves at them, smiling, head held high. His cloak flies in the wind and his crown of fire burns like the sun. Only one face in the crowd matters though, and it's not the mayor of the city, or the minor lords and ladies crowding around us, but the pirate standing head held high.

"Welcome home to Feralis, your Majesty," the pirate bows sincerely to Lues as Lues watches him with cold eyes.

"Gennaios," Lues says at last, "It's good to see you alive."

"I apologize for the deception, your Majesty, but your mother wasn't exactly understanding of the whole situation."

"It's alright," Lues turns to Amalia. "I present to you Colonel Gennaios Pistos, Count of Teros, and my first cousin. This is Lieutenant Colonel Amalia Crestman, Hero of Spero."

"Ah, the illustrious mortal enemy of the Demon King, a pleasure to meet you," Genna extends his hand and Amalia offers hers to him. They shake and then Genna turns to me. "Katlyn."

"I liked you better dead," I tease and he laughs.

"Sorry to disappoint my friend," Genna says and we embrace quickly, him slapping me on the back.

"So, I heard that the bastard named Carber is now an official traitor to the crown?" Genna asks, getting right to the point.

"Maybe we should save that conversation for the trip to Chionia," Ilena suggests stepping onto solid ground.

"Captain Jayms, don't be so familiar with the King of Feralis, he's an emperor to you not a friend," the Pirate King commands Genna, not knowing his secret.

"Aye, but he's also my cousin," Genna responds to the pirate who looks very confused.

"Eld, please do as we ordered you, or your crown is forfeit," Lues commands the Pirate King, that strangely scary tone creeping into his unsettlingly cold voice. "We'll be taking Captain Jayms as you call him home to Moor with us."

"Very well then yer majesty, but you best not make too many demands. I may be yer pirate but I ain't nobody's lapdog," the Pirate King warns and I tense at the thinly veiled threat.

"Aren't you though Eld, I mean, I could destroy your entire fleet with a thought, and we'd still win this war. The only reason we even thought to bring you into this was to help you out. It would be in your best interest to follow my brother's orders, I would hate to poison the waters with pirate blood," Ilena warns him with an open threat that sends shivers down even my spine.

"I meant nothin' by it my lady," the pirate bows low to Ilena who gives him a cold look.

"You should restock now, head back to Moor in the morning," I suggest and the pirate nods.

He almost seems to run away with his tail between his legs. Genna smirks at the sight.

"It's good to see that you haven't changed much," Genna says to Ilena and she nods to him.

"We should be going if we want to get to Moor before word gets back of our return," Ilena says and Lues nods in agreement.

"Lues, Ilena, welcome home sweethearts!" An unusually low voice calls out, and I see that a sledge has pulled up at the end of the docks. "Is that Gennaios Pistos I see, I thought you were dead?"

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