A Treatise on Religion

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The state religion of the kingdom of Feralis is Stoicheism. Stoicheism is a multi-deity religion, with six to five gods depending on the denomination.

The gods are Nero, Fotia, Gi, Aeras, Fos, and Sko. The dispute in the number of gods comes from the idea that Sko and Fos are actually one god, two sides of the same coin.

The most important gods of the religion are Sko and Fos. Fos being the god of light and life, is the principal god and has a temple, the Temple of Isropia, dedicated to him in Feralis's capital, Moor.

Sko is the goddess of darkness and death, and is Fos's natural opposite. According to some priestess's and holy text interpreters, Sko and Fos are married, according to others they are the same person.

Fotia, the goddess of fire and the summer, is important to Feralis due to the nature of the Conclamata family's magic.

Gi is the goddess of the earth and healing, Aeras is the god of air and wind, and Nero is the god of water and storms.

The power of these six gods makes up the entire world of Foros according to Stoicheist beliefs. The elemental abilities of makraz likely lead to the creation of this element based religion.

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