The Porthladd (Mawrhydi) Times - Kryo 22, 4102 Myk

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War with Ijoba

Mawrhydi and Ijoba back at it and tensions are rising

From our correspondent in Porthladd

Earlier this month, Raj Yon of the Laga tribe in Ijoba declared war on Mawrhydi again. This is only the newest in a long string of small scale wars that have ravaged the countryside on the eastern border of Mawrhydi. Many Ijoban tribes along the border have allied themselves with Raj Yon, and Charap Ova has yet to denounce their actions.

Brein Tyrnon has ordered the immediate evacuation of all the villages along the border, and has commanded the armies of Mawrhydi to report for duty. A brief embargo on all trade with Ijoba can be expected, as well as increased religious tensions.

Prices for some common goods have already seen a steep increase in price. One Atijist temple has already been ransacked by radical groups of Unigolists.

Brein Tyrnon had this to say when questioned about the attack, "Do not blame a religion for the misdeeds of a country that uses that religion to justify senseless slaughter. We may be at war,but it is not a war against innocent people. It is a war against a country that has attacked us, and in the long run, treating people better despite our differences, will be much more conductive to a healthy and peaceful relationship in the future."

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