On Mannerisms and Customs

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Mawrhydi is a kingdom of unparalleled beauty. The Spiraled Mountain and Sparkling River, are famous around the world. Porthladd, the main port city of Mawrhydi, is one of the largest trade ports on Foros.

As many merchants, travelers, and dignitaries travel to Mawrhydi frequently and often, it's important to understand the customs and mannerisms associated with this kingdom.

Mawrhydi does not address their monarch as the King or His Majesty. Mawrhydi has its own terms for all the nobility and royalty. The equivalent of a king is a brein, pronounced breen; the equivalent of a crown prince/princess is an eling, pronounced ay-ling; and the equivalent of a minor prince/princess is a twysog, pronounced tu-why-sog.

The proper way to address the monarch in third person is Ei Gras, pronounced i-graws; and if speaking directly to the monarch it is Eich Gras, prounounced ike-graws. A prince, princess, duke, or duchess, is addressed as ei physedd; pronounced as i-fi-said.

The current Brein of Mawrhydi is Tyrnon Frenhinol the third of that name. The  Brein has no heir as his wife passed in childbirth, the child was stillborn. The heir presumptive is his late sister's son, Twysog Rhyfelwr Frenhinol...

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