Chapter 22.2 - Katlyn

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If Moor is majestic, Chionia is the definition of beauty. The whole thing is practically carved from ice from the roads and houses and shops to the glittering castle towering over the whole city, all of it cut from stone and ice. Lampposts line the road, the fires being put out as we pass through the city at the crack of dawn. We spent two days in the Forest of Lost Souls, finally breaking free of it this morning.

I watch as the ice castle comes into view, taking in the stone bottom and stone walls surrounding the citadel and royal palace. It's not actually made of ice, it's just designed to like it is. The building is actually made out of a combination of glass, crystal, and pale stone cut from the Dragon's Breath Mountain Range. Through a lot of hard work on the part of some very well payed architects and constructors, the Ice Castle of Chionia was built.

Guards walk up and down the walls surrounding the citadel. The golden Mark of Conclamata sits proudly on the black and red stripped field of the Conclamata royal standard. The smaller silver, black, and blue standards of Chioni hang besides them. A large iron gate creaks open as our sledge rides through.

Trumpets ring out, alerting the denizens of Chionia's castle that the lady of Chioni has returned with friends. Princess Avery herself is waiting in winter furs on the steps of the palace, surrounded by royal guards dressed entirely in black with only the Mark of Conclamata in red on their breasts.

"Welcome to Chionia, my king," Avery curtseys perfectly to Lues. He steps from the sledge and kisses her offered hand out of respect. "Hayley, welcome home."

"Mother, look who we found at the pier," Hayley responds cheerfully, wrapping an arm around Genna.

"I see you've added necromancy to your list of abilities," Avery says to Ilena who shakes her head.

"I was never dead Aunt Avery, I apologized already to King Lues for the deception, but it seems I owe you an apology as well," Genna responds for my friend, also kissing the princess's knuckles.

"Welcome home darling, I can't wait to tell Thea the good news!" Princess Avery exclaims, taking Genna's hand. "Ilena, why don't you have my guards take Sergio to guest quarters, then you and Katlyn should join us in my dining hall. I believe it's about time for breakfast."

"Of course, your highness," Ilena responds respectfully and I follow her lead in bowing.

The guards having already heard their orders drag a half sleeping Sergio into the palace. Ilena and I walk together into one of the large hallways. People walk by dressed in all the colors of many noble houses in Feralis. I assume, these are the families that are still aligned with us, the families who won't be executed for treason when we win in a few weeks.

Some of the passersby are servants and guards, others are courtiers and nobles. The servants and guards bow, nod, or salute as we pass, seeing as we are Feralin generals, and Ilena is a knight. Others spit at me, still believing that I'm a traitor, none of the bile hits me of course, my magic is just strong enough that I can deflect it, but the sentiment still stings.

Once Sergio has been deposited in his cell, we enter one of the doors that leads into deeper parts of the palace. Here the clear walls are thicker, showing just dark smudges where objects are. The deeper we get, the thicker the walls and the less we can see, until at last we are in the Princess's war rooms, and nothing within can be seen.

Royal guards stand at attention all along the walls here. They salute as we pass, opening the doors. No stewards or porters announce our entry, this meeting is private, only the invited can enter. Inside we find Amalia and Lues, Hayley, Genna, and Princess Avery.

"It's wonderful to see you all again," Princess Avery says warmly to us.

"It is," Ilena responds respectfully, "But every minute we spend talking is another minute our window of opportunity to get Carber closes."

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