Chapter 25.1 - Katlyn

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It's been amazing to witness, as Amalia progresses and grows. Her first speech was extraordinary and the ones afterwards even more so. The only people who come even close to her in raw speech giving power are Lues, Ilena, and Queen Amaryllis. Raverna is actually pretty good if I think about it, the fact that she held onto power for so long is a testament to that, but I don't think she'd win in a speaking contest against Amalia.

Our soldiers hearing that was also good for morale, they seem extra cheerful as we set off for the central island of the concentric circles that is made up of Spero and Nitens. Word spreads quickly, and I know that we've lost all element of surprise we had. I don't think Ilena accounted for Amalia well enough when she set all of this up, but luckily our spies in the capital are still safe. Though Raverna's guard is up, it's helping us more than it isn't.

That first speech was a day and a half ago, the past days were doing just as one of our younger soldiers suggested, parading Amalia around for all to see. Still, Lues and Ilena being here is a secret, Amalia here on her own is nothing, Raverna still doesn't know that she's entirely surrounded, that we've been closing in on her for almost three days now.

The euphoric mood changes in a flash when we arrive in the port town of Viatescrip, Traveler's Way. On the reflective waters, broken planks, and bloodied weapons wash on shore, signs of a battle. A banner floats in the morning after our arrival, and it's not the blue and silver of Nitens. This morning was spent scavenging through the wrecks for any survivors, but the outcome was dim.

Our soldiers are solemn as we burn the latest batch of bodies in a pyre, sending them in proper hero style to the gods above. I stand on the shore, watching the waves for any sign of the board carrying the name of Captain Tristayne's flagship, the Viosky, but there's nothing so far. The naive and hopeful part of me sees this as a sign of his survival, the pessimist in me says otherwise.

"We can't stay here any longer, it's time to go," Ilena touches my shoulder gently, she knows how I'm feeling. I've lost so many people to ship fights, it brings back so many bad memories to see these blood soaked planks and the bodies floating ashore. I nod to her and we walk to the town's dock, where we've rented out a boat, likely one that will never return to it's owners.

With the standard of a merchant vessel, we set sail from the harbor, to make the short, half-day crossing to Nitens. This channel doesn't have a name, other than Nitens Circle, not very creative, but that's not important.

Our crew watches the water, carefully dodging wreckage and bodies. More flags drift past, some of these instilling our soldiers with more hope, most of them bear the royal seal of the Opes family. After about four or five hours, we reach the site of the battle. It's a gruesome sight to be sure, slowly sinking ships broken in half. Ships slowly descending into watery graves with wet bodies rolling around on their decks. Broken masts and ships cleaved in two litter the water.

The Viosky is yet to be seen, in good health or as a wreck. When we count the ships bearing Conclamata colors, we only get about four, not as many as it seemed when we were in Viatescrip. The number of Holy Collective ships the numbers seem very skewed to one side. It appears, that we won this battle. Our conclusion is proven when at last we see the Viosky. Our waning morale skyrockets as the sailors onboard cheer to each other, but my heart plummets when I notice that Captain Tristayne is nowhere to be seen.

We land on Nitens, not a soul in sight besides the captives taken during the surrender that must've ensued shortly after the battle, and our soldiers who've made it safely. Still no sign of Tristayne, and it appears Ilena, Lues, and Amalia have noticed this as well. When his son, Gavyn appears with a solemn face, I assume the worst.

"Where's Captain Tristayne?" Ilena inquires of the man, and he looks down at his feet.

"I'm afraid, that during the fighting, my father... there was a ship boy, the ambros were going to kill him, he stepped in front of the gun and...," Gavyn doesn't finish the sentence, too choked up on emotion. "He didn't stand a chance at that range."

"Is the boy alright at least?" Amalia asks, the sympathy drawn on her face clear as day.

"Yes, fortunately, though I'm afraid the experience traumatized him beyond belief. I'm so sorry your Majesty, we didn't see them until they were upon us, until it was too late and two of our ships had already been lost," Gavyn apologizes, and Lues shakes his head.

"Why do you think you have anything to apologize for, you did exactly as you were supposed to, and only losing four ships is much better than most admirals can say," Lues says kindly to the old man, Amalia was spot on with her assessment of him in that lovely speech of hers, he's kind as a kitten.

"Thank you, your Majesty, I'm afraid I should go rest, all of this has been... a lot of excitement for an elderly mortal like myself," Gavyn says and Lues nods for him to excuse himself.

"So, Amalia, you've been to Nitens before? What's the fastest way to the capital?" Lues asks Amalia, changing the topic so suddenly I almost have no time to catch it.

"This road should be a straight line to the Valley of Harmony," Amalia says, pointing to the gravel road that leads all around Nitens, even directly to the heart of the capital.

"How long from here to Euros?" Lues inquires, cocking his head in thought.

"A day or two including the hike down the valley," Ilena responds. "We should start now. I want my soldiers to follow me, seamen will stay on the water to continue their mission, continue flying merchant flags and don't let your guard down."

"Yes ma'am!"

As we walk down the road in our group, all of us wearing brown traveler's cloaks and none of us obviously in the Feralin Royal Army. This time Amalia doesn't ever take her hood off, it's too dangerous here, because ambros are all for the most part loyal to their queen. Though it's not their faults and we hope to one day change their minds, for now it's far too great a risk that they'll go running to Lucerna Sol and give away our location.

At the first town we find, we borrow horses, to make the journey go a bit faster. Ilena sends a message to our spies in Euros to make their final preparations, operation Fallen Angels is a go.

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