Chapter 6.1 - Amalia

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"Ma'am, I'm Captain Favian of the Aura City Guard, I think this one is yours," the Captain says, shoving me towards the tall woman with the blonde hair and perfect features.

She has flawless pale skin, delicately pointed ears, and silver streaked blue eyes, my eyes. She looks at me for a moment before smiling warmly.

"Amalia," she says in a kind voice. "Welcome home."

"But this is Euros? My home was in Aura," I mumble in confusion.

"Your home was Aura darling, but not anymore. I'm so sorry sweetheart, you shouldn't have had to suffer so much at your age," the woman apologizes sincerely, I swallow nervously.

I saw the name on the door, I know Celesta said my mother's name was Lucerna Sol, but I didn't believe it until now.

"From now on, I'm going to take care of you like I should have from the beginning. We'll put you into a school with the noble children, and I'll raise you to be a fine young lady." My mother explains.

"General," the Captain says, reminding Lucerna that he's there, her blue eyes flicker to him, and she smiles in a cold way.

"Dismissed Captain, and I'd watch your tone. I'm your General and the right hand of Queen Raverna, you should not be disrespectful to me," my mother says coolly, and I shudder at the thinly veiled ice beneath the warmth. The Captain salutes and leaves the room, never to be seen again. "Now Amalia, why don't we have supper together," suddenly she's all warmth and smiles again, "I haven't seen you since the day you were born, I think I should try to get to know you better."

I nod to the woman who I'm now supposed to call mother. She wraps an arm around me and leads me to my new bedroom in the royal wing of the castle in Euros. Being the right-hand of the Queen has its perks.

I remind myself, as a servant leads me to supper, that I don't want to be a lady. I want to destroy the man who took everything from me. Later, when my mother asks me what I want to do, I tell her that I want to be trained for warfare. A glimmer of pride shines in her eye.

The next day, I find training garb for a military cadet in my room, and a wooden practice sword on top of the pile of clothes. I take the sword and put on the clothes, and when I step into the hall, my training begins.

It starts simple, running around the race track in the palace gardens, doing push-ups and sit-ups and pull-ups. Basic swordsmanship and archery, a little bit of training with guns from the southern continent, weapons that I won't end up making much use of.

Slowly but surely it becomes harder, as I learn to incorporate magic into everything. Eventually it becomes running around the race track with enhanced magical speed and doing push-ups while holding things in the air with magic.

The day I graduated from the military academy, I made history as the youngest graduate,the first miri to rank first in the class. The day I stepped onto my first battlefield, I made history as the youngest commander in the field.Every time I hit another milestone, I felt so proud of myself, and I saw a reflection of that pride in my mother's eyes, this time was different though. This time, she wouldn't even look at me.

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