The Daily (Feralis) Courier - Psyxi 6, 452 Etdb

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The Pirate King Strikes Again

Heir to the Throne a suspect in pirate attacks

From our Correspondent in Moor

The Pirate King, Diamond Eyed Eld, of the Dagger Isles has attacked locations all along the borders of Feralis, Kleng, Lyovelido, Rarai, Tongai, and Rakai. His greed knows no bounds and has left hundreds dead or homeless.

It seems that the Pirate King has some new help, seeing as one of his newest captains is a former soldier in the Feralin Royal Army.

According to some eyewitnesses this new pirate bears a strong resemblance to the Crown Princess, and as such a new drinking song has sprung up.

Queen Raverna denies that her daughter is acting a renegade and pirate, but Princess Ilena Conclamata's absence suggests otherwise.

There is also a male pirate that bears resemblance to the Princess's older cousin, Gennaios Pistos, Baron of Pi Thni. It is suspected they are acting under orders though that is mere speculation and also denied strongly by both the Conclamata and Pistos houses. More on this story on page...

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