The Lyovelido Republican - Gbona 38, 3600 Myk

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Congress of Spero Dismantled

Congress dissolved under dubious circumstances after Keeper Handel's death

From our correspondent in Aura

Chancellor Berban of Spero has dissolved the Congress of Spero! Queen Layla will now have total control over the four provinces of Spero. The Keepers of Harmony are being asked to step down. 

Keeper Handel of Summa said quote, "This is a power grab plain and simple, if Queen Layla actually cared about Spero she'd let us keep our jobs and keep doing what our positions were created for. If we do our jobs, and we can end this war before it begins, without losing our independence and freedom." Handel needless to say, was not going to step down,and many senators in Summa and Sors agreed with her.

The other Keepers quickly agreed to join the former Chancellor and stepped down after Keeper Handel was found dead in her home late last week. Senators who've opposed the move by Chancellor Berban have also been found dead, and many suspect foul-play by Queen Layla to secure her power over Spero.

The question is,will she release Spero when the war ends in a few years time?

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