Chapter 4.3 - Lues

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I feel a pounding sensation as I attempt to open my eyes. My surroundings are so dark I almost think my eyes are still shut. I blink my eyes trying to adjust them as quickly as possible. My eyes adjust and I see some light far ahead. I feel around me, and find an unconscious Amalia sprawled out on the floor. I stand up and lift the miri girl in my arms. She groans in discomfort as I carry her towards the light.

Silver moonlight brightens the darkness and I realize that we were deep in a cave. I lay Amalia down on the stone floor of the cave, closer to the opening and step outside. I don't recognize where we are immediately. We are surrounded on all sides by green. Farms and villages are sprawled across the landscape. Large rivers cut the area into strips of land and water, then I see the landmark that gives all away. A large pyramid made of glass stands proudly at the top of the mountain. The Glass Gardens of Mawrhydi.

Mawrhydi then, I think to myself, looking around. I decide to gather some wood to build a fire with. When I return to the cave, Amalia is still asleep so I assume that she hasn't woken yet. I could, of course, just make a fire with my magic, but that would require concentration, and I don't trust myself to stay awake.

I make a ring of small stones and build a pyramid out of the wood then throw small twigs and dry leaves into the fire ring to act as kindling. I set a small blaze in the center of the fire ring, and the fire catches, igniting all the kindling. I watch it to make sure that the wood actually catches fire, and it thankfully does.

When I'm done I lean against the cave wall and try to sort through what I remember. All I see every time I close my eyes though is my sister's eyes closing and her body slumping into the puddle of her blood. If she isn't dead yet she likely will be soon, my mind tells me, but my heart won't believe it.

She's the strongest most powerful makraz ever born, she will survive I know she will, but... my world blurs and I can feel the tears flowing down my cheek. I can't lose Ilena too, "Oh gods, please no." I whisper in prayer to my gods. "Fos the god of light and life keep the flame of my sister's soul alight; Gi the goddess of earth and soil heal my sister; Sko the goddess of darkness and death, who gave my sister her power, I beg that you not take her from me."

I don't know if the gods have heard me or not, I know that it's possible Ilena is already dead.

My tears dry up before they truly begin. I stare out at the sky of Mawrhydi, I think it's still the same day we left from Feralis, just much later. The twin moons of Foros shine brightly in the dark sky. I find the constellations of the Queen and the Demon. I watch as a comet streaks through the sky, it's tail brilliant and beautiful.

I look to Amalia as the comet fades away. She's still asleep. A lock of honey-colored hair is draped over her face. I push it out of the way, and watch her. Sleeping Amalia looks every bit the eighteen-year-old girl she is. I go back to my lookout and watch the clouds as they pass.

I start taking in more of my surroundings as I wait for my mortal enemy to awaken. No, I suppose my uncle has now earned that title. I was shocked when he showed up on the side of the rebels, but not Apaeteon. Apaeteon is sort of one of those people that you expect to betray you. Maybe I was a little surprised that he was with those particular rebels, but I guess I shouldn't have trusted him so much. Lauria I understand though, she is the Duchess of Xiros and she loves her people like they're her family. She'd do almost anything to protect them.

I despise my uncle, more than I ever thought I could hate anyone. How could he betray me, his own brother's son! I clench my fists and feel a sudden heat as the flames rise to equal my anger. I soothe the fire with a wave of my hand. How dare he try to kill my sister! I still don't understand why he tried to kill Ilena if he wanted her crowned. Maybe he was just using the rebels to make himself king, thinking about it that's probably correct. I shake my head and focus my eyes on the distant line of the ocean. Green foliage spreads as far as I can see, only broken in some places by villages and houses.

After a long while the sun starts to color in with the golden hues of dawn. With the new day, I rise and watch as the sun appears in the west and washes the world in color.

"I'll see you again soon, Ilena. I promise I will return home and avenge you if you cannot do it yourself. I swear to whatever gods will listen, I will make my uncle suffer!" I shout out to the sky, startling some birds into flight. I watch their wings flap into the distance, all the while thinking of the last time I flew with my sister.

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