The Aura (Spero) Post - Reen 11, 482 Etdb

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Massacre in Xiros Leaves Hundreds Dead

Lues of Feralis joins with his sister on the dunes of Mikro

From the scribe of the Royal Court (Approved by Queen Raverna)

The Feralin Royal Army butchered nearly 200 Holy Collective soldiers earlier this week in Mikro, according to eyewitness accounts.

Crown Prince Lues Conclamata helped his sister, the former heir of Feralis, slaughter an unthinkable number of Holy Collective soldiers.

The Feralins started the killings because a Holy Collective soldier entered a Stoicheist temple, eyewitnesses said. The temple was located near the village of Mikro (a small town on the eastern coast of Feralis, in the duchy of Xiros).

Ilena Conclamata exterminated about 72 Holy Collective soldiers, and the Feralin army killed the 128 who remained.

Saceras of the Euros Sanctuary are holding vigils to honor the victims of the Mikro Massacre.

Some are now asking what the disgraced Ilena Conclamata's new role will be in her mother and brother's courts. Though she no longer holds any titles, she still seems be held in high esteem by her mother, Queen Amaryllis Conclamata of Feralis. The curiosity about the former princess's new role is only intensified by the fact that the reason behind her downfall is still a mystery.

Only four years prior to now, King Norman Thnitos of Feralis was killed and...

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