Chapter 25.3 - Katlyn

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When the sun sets and the stars come out, we discover the first hitch in our plan.

"All the generals and nobles are gathered in the throne room, they have the girls to be presented with them. Their shield made up of innocents has been activated," one of our operatives reports, Captain Danyels is in the throne room as well, on guard duty for Queen Raverna as the captain of her royal guard, Captain Risus Danyels.

"We should just walk in, interrupt her," Amalia suggests. "If she's surprised she won't have time to order their deaths or anything, and if she makes it obvious that she's using them as a shield, her people won't follow her anymore. I know you think that all ambros are blindly loyal to Raverna, but they're not. A lot of them are kind and would never follow her if they knew what she was."

"Okay, but if something goes wrong, you better show them what you've got," Ilena responds.

Over the next few minutes we dress for show. Lues gets a long red cloak, the red and gold dress coat with a sash and medals and everything. Ilena is dressed in the usual garb of a knight, her red hair and purple eyes lovely as always. I'm dressed in the normal general's uniform, something that still seems odd and is unfamiliar to me. Amalia, now returned to her old home, is dressed in the Holy Collective uniform that will make her easily recognizable. The only difference, is that now she has the Mark of Conclamata embroidered in gold on her chest.

With soldiers on each side of us, we march into the hallway and walk calmly to the throne room. Ambros out and about move out of the way, fear the overwhelming emotion on their faces. Some even bow low, and grovel on the floor. We ignore them though, and continue walking, with Amalia in front. The guards at the door to the throne room bare their spears and swords against us, but a snap of Ilena's hand has them unconscious on the floor.

Ilena and I push the doors open for our king and the rest of our entourage to pass through. The ongoings in the throne room stop when we enter, Queen Raverna stares at us, the surprise evident on her face. All four of her generals are there as well, standing beside her. Lucerna Sol, Amalia's mother steps off the dais and pulls out a weapon.

"Amalia, what are you doing with that monster?" Lucerna demands of her daughter, and the hall is silent. Ambros from outside come to watch what's going to happen, foolish, considering they probably think we're here to massacre them.

"He's not a monster mother, you and that woman behind you are. Raverna Opes is a greedy and gluttonous sociopath who cares only to improve her already great status. She would kill every last person alive if it meant she could name herself Empress of the world!" Amalia rebuttals. "And don't you dare call Lues a monster when you put a bounty on your own daughter's head!"

"Amalia...," Lucerna has no defense for that, Amalia is right.

"Enough of this, guards kill them!" Raverna shouts, standing from her ivory and silver throne.

The guards don't move, they can't. They look down to see that their feet are now covered in rock, and the few who aren't raise their blades not against Lues, but against Raverna herself.

"Captain Danyels, would you do me a favor and clap irons on the three generals next to you," Lues calls out to the operative, who bows to the king and pulls out cuffs to do just that.

"What's going on, Captain, you're a makraz?" The pain in the voice of this guard is evident, and Danyels looks to the source of the voice.

"I'm sorry my love, but I am. I loved living with you kind souls, but you're all fools to believe a word the demon on that throne says. She calls herself an angel, makes herself out to be a god, but she is neither!" Captain Danyels shouts in response. I raise my sword and block the blade of one of the generals before it strikes the operative.

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