Chapter 35: Disaster

Start from the beginning

"Really. But to my knowledge, Kendo can use her quirk whenever she feels like it, regardless of injury. Unless you cut off her hands, she can activate her quirk.", Izuku said coldly. "Tell me, who are you really?"

Kendo continued crying, and held her own hands as if they were burning.

"I don't know what they did to my hands!", she shouted. "I'm Kendo, your classmate! What are you doing, I'm injured!"

Izuku nodded his head.

"Fine then. I guess I'll just have to do this then.", Izuku said, then teleported next to Kendo, and punched her in the gut.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!", the class screamed in anger. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!"

Suddenly, Kendo's skin melted away, revealing a high school age blonde girl with a sadistic grin and a sailor suit on.

"Pretty impressive! I like you!", she said, then lunged at Izuku with a knife. Immediately, Izuku dodged, and sent an 20% One for All smash right on her back. The girl melted again, but this time all that was left was a puddle of mud.

"Tch. Must be a cloning quirk. That's going to be annoying to counter.", Izuku said as he studied the slimy mess. Meanwhile, the entire class stared at him with confusion and awe.

"How did you know that it was a villain?", Mineta asked.

"Simple. She only had slight injuries, but she was acting half dead. I checked her with my eye quirk, but she was fine.", Izuku answered. "So I concluded that she wasn't the real Kendo, just a fake that was used to trick us. Luckily, I was right."

Aizawa nodded. "Good work, Izuku. Now everyone, get back."

They all complied to his order, then Izuku spoke up.

"Considering the fact that the got disguised as Kendo, I think Class 1-B has been captured.", he said. Aizawa only nodded.

Suddenly, Mandalay stood up straight in horror. "Kota! And Chisai! They're probably all alone right now, and I don't even know where they are!", she shouted. Izuku and Momo also straightened in horror, then Izuku activated his eye quirk and looked around the entire forest.

"That cliff over there.", Izuku said as he pointed to a cliff in one of the mountains. Suddenly, he paled. "Wait... there's someone else there too... a giant, muscular man... I think it's a villain!"

Momo's blood chilled, and she looked at Aizawa in horror.

"Please, let us save him!", she pleaded. Aizawa didn't even consider it, and shook his head. "No, we can't afford to lose any students."

Just then, Izuku opened a portal, pulling Momo through it. "Sorry Aizawa, but I'm going to need to disobey you this time!", he shouted, then went though the portal with Momo.

"They'll be fine.", Aizawa said, then turned towards the forest. "Meanwhile, we need to get away from the open to protect the students."

They all ran into the camp courtyard together, but when they got there, they found that the camp was in flames, and there was a group of people in front of the fire, waiting for them.

"Well well well... looks like we're going to have quite the battle here.", a black haired man with stapled, scarred skin said as he made a blue flame on his hand.
"Well, looks like there are some people here!", the muscular man said. "I'm in luck! Too bad they're only kids..."

Chisai and Kota backed away from the villain in horror, and they both soiled their pants in fear. The muscular villain brought a fist down on them, but before the attack could hit, Izuku appeared out of nowhere and blocked the attack with on hand.

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