Losing end

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Y'vania's POV

"Maybe mummy didn't have to go that far." Mia says sitting beside me and placing her arm on my shoulders. Nisha sits beside her also shocked by what I told them about aunt Carina deciding that I should talk to a therapist/go to rehab.

They came in a while ago and found me seated alone in my room staring at the blank ceiling reflecting on how people tend to push me around and decide the things I have to do in life. One of the three uncles went as far as saying the course choice I made isn't suitable for me.

Can someone tell me. Oh I forgot there is no one except self voice.

But since when did a course in Literature become unsuitable for someone whose passion is in writing.
At least that's the only thing that makes me feel happy.

But no.

Someone has to ruin it and even go ahead and recommend that I should go to rehab not because am crazy but just because I need to recollect my thoughts.

"And you know what mummy said after all that meeting of stupidity?
'As much as I love you Y'vania I need to see you happy and I know this is going to change you.' As if she knows what makes me happy." I say with a huff and pull my legs up resting my chin on my knees and circling my arms around them.

Nisha comes closer and hugs me. Mia does the same and we stay like that for a couple of minutes each of their heartbeats welcoming me home for the first time in three days.

Three days.

Its been three days since I came back home but I haven't had any chance to talk to any of my sisters.

The moment I got back here mummy couldn't stop bugging me with all kind of questions and kept me up on long talks discussing each and every item that was posted in the papers about YFS Brown as if I posted all those lies on my own.

That's not why she decided to involve her siblings though.

What made her do so was because of my ' change of behaviour ' as she calls it. So many things have happened within a short period of time and I can't seem to find the answers I need and it results to me getting irritated pretty easily. Mummy didn't understand this. She called her mother who went ahead and called the six Quezada siblings and here we are again. Am on the losing end.

"What about your college? Do they know about this?" Nisha asks after a while of silence.

"Now that would earn the paparazzi some very juicy stuff to post on each and every piece of paper in the world." Mia says quietly making me chuckle.

Yeah its true whatever Mia is saying because ever since the day Miller came to California International Uni and told the press about me they can't stop bugging me and one of them went to the point of risking and snuck into the meeting room where I was having a meeting with the board of publishers and editors. Were it not for Javier I would've hit that poor guy who dared to ask if I had an affair with the old doctor.

When I got home I really laughed at the image of me and Miller making out.


"What is it?" Nisha asks.
"You just ewed."
"I just remembered something. Have you heard anything from Lilly,Matt and Jake?" I ask changing the subject.

"No. We haven't but we are sure they're going to be here for Thanksgiving or Christmas. New York isn't their home forever."
Mia says sadly.

"Guys enough with the sob stories it makes me sad. There's nothing like going to rehab because I'm not stepping a foot in that thing." I say suddenly filled with determination as an idea comes in my head.

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