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sorry i haven't posted in a while! school is killing me ugh

and i've been working so much i'm so busy lately ahah

Valencia Seavey

"Oh sorry," I heard Daniel's voice softly. I opened my eyes and saw him stand at the door. I sat up straight and smiled lightly at him checking up on me. "I didn't know you fell asleep, you've been gone for a while so I figured, I'd check up on you," He explained, his voice still on a low tone so that Matthew wouldn't abruptly wake up.

"Yea, I must've fallen asleep," I yawned sitting up straight in the chair, resting my head on my arm.

"Good, you needed it," He sighed relieved and closed the door behind him, walking further into the room.

"Is everyone still here?" I asked curious, secretly hoping most people had left since I was really tired. He sat down next to me in the chair, which was big enough for us both anyway.

He shook his head. "No, most of them have left, only my parents and Corbyn and Christina are still here." I nodded somewhat satisfied, being a mother was already exhausting, even though I loved every second of it. "Happy?" He chuckled smiling, wrapping his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I nodded again. He hid his face in my neck, behind my hair, kissing my neck.

"I love you," I mumbled.

"I love you too," He mumbled back, his hands putting my hair back.

He rested his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes tired. "Can we just stay here?" He mumbled to himself. "Just stay here forever, you, me and matty, wouldn't that be perfect?"

I smiled lightly and brushed through his hair softly. "If I lay here if I just lay here, would you lie with me, and just forget the world?" I sang quietly, trying to make as little sound as possible not to wake Matthew.

"Forget what we're told before we get too old," He finished the next line.

"We are getting old now, aren't we?" I chuckled. "It's all downhill from here, isn't it?" I added joking. I knew it wasn't true but it only had just now occurred to me that from this moment on, everything would be about Matthew, and we would have less and less time to spend together. Matthew had to grow up in an environment with both parents working, which would also lead to especially his dad being gone more than other fathers might be. It was weird how I only just then realised that raising a kid while being only in your early 20s was going to take more time and energy than we had thought before. I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Daniel's voice.

He looked at me seriously. "Are you kidding? It's only getting better from now on. We'll have so many new memories with Matt, kindergarten, our first holiday, his first soccer game, his first grown-up tooth, his first birthday party, the first day of high school, his first boy- or girlfriend, his high school graduation, his first day of college, the day he gets married, the day our first grandkid is born-"

"I know, we're going to have so much amazing new moments in the future, but... that's still so far away, Daniel," I smiled at him while I held his hand.

"I know, baby, but that's all coming from now on, there are so many years together as a family from now on."

I nodded understanding. "But he's not there yet, there are so many sleep depriving times still coming for us, and so much pressure that comes with raising him, especially since tours, and just interviews, and it just now hit me we just won't be able to spend every second with him, no matter how much we might want to and how much we think that we can do it next to our jobs, it's just going to be harder than we thought, I mean, look at how many parents struggle, how many couples break up because of the pressure around raising a kid and I'm not saying that we will, I'm just saying tha-"

He kissed me roughly to shut me up to which I chuckled lightly. He pulled back and stood up before grabbing my hand and pulling me up from the chair. "I promise, we won't be that way.'


It now was a week later and walked into Matthew's room with Matthew in my arms. It was late at night and I was putting him to bed since it had been a long day. Daniel told me this morning he and the band had to go to Phoenix earlier this afternoon for an interview they had tomorrow morning about the upcoming tour. As he went off with his bandmates I knew that even though he promised he wouldn't be away all the time, it was going to be like this more often, and it was going to be worse than before. I tried staying positive but I couldn't ignore the thought that now other than to before, Daniel leaving even for a day meant being alone responsible for our child, and not even being able to go to the grocery store for 5 minutes on my own. Especially for the shorter times, it wasn't bad or dramatic or it wasn't like I couldn't take care of him, it was more the idea that even though Daniel might not want to be away; his job gave him no other choice.

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