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again im making up some doctory stuff

Valencia Seavey

"So I need you to push right now" The nurse said. I held Daniel's hand and nodded.

"Another time, come on" The nurse kept saying.

"Come on," She said once more. I pushed closing my eyes at the pain, but continued.

'So many women have done this before, I can do it too' I told myself.

"You can do this, baby," Daniel said and placed a hand on my cheek. I squeezed his hand as a way to relieve the pain. He just kept stroking my hair back.

"You're doing great, Valencia, 'nother time," Marie said. I sighed and took a deep breath and pushed again, with everything in me before I let my head fall back on the matress again. "I can see the head, come on!" She said excited. I gave again all my strength. At this point, I was almost sure Daniel's hand would be severely bruised, if not broken, later on.

"One more time" The nurse said and I followed orders, giving everything I had for the last time. I heard some happy yelling and sighed happy.

"Congratulations, It's a boy!" Marie smiled. Then her smile turned into a frown as Daniel asked the burning question. "Why isn't he crying?"

The nurse took him to the sink as she let some water softly fall over his head as I closed my eyes slowly, tired and scared, but out of nowhere drifted off in a deeper state.

"Valencia," I heard Daniel ask. "Nurse!"


Daniel Seavey

I looked anxious from the side while one nurse was trying to get Valencia to wake up, and the other was trying to let my son cry.

"Mr. Seavey, will you leave the room so the doctor can get in?" Marie asked and I silently nodded before stepping outside. Seconds later a doctor came in.

"And?" The guys asked. I didn't say anything, staring into nothing I ignored their questions and sat down quietly.

"She.."  I tried.

"Take your time," Corbyn said and rubbed my back slowly.

"She passed out, and the doctor's are trying to wake her up-," I started but before I could finish my sentence, The nurse pulled the bed with Valencia in it out of the room and drove with it to the other side of the hallway.

"Mr. Seavey, you can come with to the O.R.," Marie said.

"What about my son?" I asked.

"He's in the room next to your wife, they're running some tests on him, but.. he'll be fine, his lungs were a bit pushed together but they should be working properly by now," She explained. I looked at the boys who all nodded me to go.

I followed her to the room behind the O.R where I saw Valencia lay on the operating table. The doctors gave her the anesthesia and started the procedure.

"What are they doing, what happened?" I asked Marie.

"Your wife has an internal bleeding around the uterus, which is usely caused by the uterus not contracting after delivery, it happens sometimes, there's nothing you could've done to prevent it," She said. I nodded understanding.

When the surgery came to an end, Valencia was rolled back to her room and be monitored until she woke up. Until she had woken up, I wasn't allowed in her room.

"You can go see your son now," Marie said and came to get me from the hallway. I silently followed her into the room, where I saw the most beautiful sunshine the world had ever received. His baby blue eyes immediately stood out. Marie picked him up out of the little bed and wrapped him around in a soft towel before handing him over to me. "Your perfectly healthy son," She said and walked towards the door. "I'll let you two alone for some time." She said and nodded. I wanted to thank her, but I couldn't look away from him.  I carefully held one of his tiny hands.

"Hey little guy," I whispered, "it's your dad."

His little mouth opened to show off a little smile. His eyes closed again exhausted.

"I will always protect you, and love you, and cherish you, with all that I have," I mumbled in awe.

I started to hum Michael Bublé's 'Everything' softly while I swung him lightly from left to right to try and make him go to sleep.

"In this crazy life, and through these crazy times, it's you, it's you. You make me sing, you're every line, you're every word, you're everything."

With him in my arms I walked via the door inbetween towards the other room and sat down on the chair next to her with our son in my arms.

I grabbed her hand and placed it in mine, and that was when I realised;

Our little family was gonna be okay.


short but yea


𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘪 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘢𝘺  | daniel seavey (wdw) | completedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu