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i worked my ass off today to save up for limelight in a long, black pair of jeans and a dark shirt while there's a heatwave where i live and while im sick and on my period.

a bitch was stRUGGLING

and its two in the morning now while im writing this and i got work again todaY

the things i do for these stupid boys uGh


Valencia Seavey (oof)

Daniel's head turned towards the door where Zach stood. He rolled his eyes. "Of course you had to ask him to come," he sighed.

"I actually didn't, Zach what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Came to make sure you're all right," He shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

"Zach, we're kind of in the middle of something here," Daniel sighed, anger boiling in his veins.

"I know, I think your neighbours know too," He mocked Daniel lightly.

"Ex-neighbours," I stated. Daniel looked at me, putting up his puppy eyes.

"I did change, please let me show you I changed."

Zach chuckled. "You just pulled out of that one chick, and you changed?"  I sneered.

I heard Zach softly go: "Go off sis," As Daniel sighed once again.

"Zach get the fuck out," He snapped at the younger boy.

"No, Daniel, you get the fuck out," I said defending Zach.

"Listen to the woman, dude," Zach sassed just to annoy him. I bit my lip, hoping nothing would happen but of course, Daniel got mad.

Before I knew it Daniel had gripped the collar of Zach's shirt and pressed him against the fridge. "Daniel, no!" I yelled scared of what he would do to Zach.

"Not again," Zach grunted in pain.

"Again?" I frowned.

"Mind telling her, Daniel?" Zach smirked.  Daniel didn't say anything. He looked at me ashamed and then back at Zach, pushing him a bit higher, at this point, it was getting harder for Zach to breathe.

"Daniel, let go off him," I ordered.

"He's done this before after we came back from San Fran and he blamed me that you were distant," Zach managed to get out.

I sighed. "Daniel, you are the one who's ruining all of this. Now let Zach go and leave," I repeated. He looked at me and slowly removed his hand from Zach's shirt. Zach walked away from him, frustratedly pulling the collar up again in the way it belongs.

"What about him?" He asked pointing at Zsch.

"I'll stay here to actually make sure she's okay after you hurt her once again," Zach snapped.

"You little-," Daniel started walking back to Zach.

"Daniel, no! You gotta leave now," I repeated aftaid he would do something serious to Zach.
He doubted but then grabbed his bag and opened the front door.

"Can we talk later?" He asked hopeful. I shrugged.

"I wouldn't count on it," I say watching him walk out the door with his backpack.

I sighed when I closed the door after him, leaning against the wood, my face buried in my hands.

Tears escaped from my eyes when I felt two arms around me. "Hey, it's okay," He softly murmured. I placed my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't believe you, you were rjght all along, you always were," I admitted. My arms were wrapped around his waist as I hid my face in the fabric of his shirt.

"It's alright," He said again, his hands rubbed my back slowly. Eventually I stopped crying.
"I'm glad you texted me."

"I didn't want to bother you," I tried but he shook his head immediately.

"You didn't, I just came to make sure you're allright and that he wouldn't hurt you," He smiled. I gave him a small, forced smile. "You deserve so much better than someone who treats you the way he does," He whispered after a while again. His hand kept brushing my hair with his fingers, which made me feel safe.

"Someone like who?" I asked knowing already what he would answer.

"Someone like me."

we love a dumh shitty chapter bc im too tired to write a good one. goodnight world

im so fucking soft

i was ranting about corbyn and of my friends made these

which i think is pretty cute from them they know how much i miss him so that was sweet

also i got asked via dm the reason how i got to a year without self harm and for me the answer's quite simple. it's all because of corbyn. because of him im writing this, without him i wouldn't be alive right now and he's been making me much happier ever since 2015 so yeah he really is the reason i can do this all (:

𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘪 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘢𝘺  | daniel seavey (wdw) | completedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon