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this chapter is dedicated to drama bc when is there not drama in this great fandom 🤧🤩

Valencia Seavey

"Are you guys good?" A fan asked. I shrugged and let go of Zach's hand.

"Why were you holding hands?" One asked.

"I was helping her get out of the shopping cart," Zach quickly filled in. I nodded.

He grabbed my hand again as I climbed out the cart. "Where's Daniel?" One of them asked.

"Visiting family in Portland," I smiled. Corbyn told me Daniel had gone to Portland to go in therapy, so I wasn't lying when I said he was in Oregon.

"You guys wanna take pictures?" Zach asked to change the subject. The fans nodded and we all posed for pictures, Before me and Zach got in the car again, I hugged one last fan.

"God bless you and Zach," She whispered. I chuckled and gave her a forced smile.

In the car, I sighed loudly. "Can't wait for this to be all over twitter," I whined.

"Why did they have to be here," He sighed starting the engine.

"I love the fans, I do, but I hate the drama," I admitted. "And it's only a small amount of fans that cause the drama, but the entire fandom gets caught up in it."

He nodded. "Yeah, when Gabbie and Jack started dating, and when Tatum and Jonah started hanging out, there was so much drama, it was so sad. Remember when Gabbie deactivated?" He said, upset. I nodded stroking my hand over his cheek.

"Yeah, it was so sad."

"I don't want that kind of drama between us, or Daniel for that matter," He sighed.

"Me too," I said and looked at his facial expression. He genuinely looked upset, his eyes focused on the road, his brows furrowed, his teeth biting down on the corner of his lower lip.

"I don't want the fans to mix in business from which we don't even know what is going on."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

He took a deep breath. "I know what I want, but I also know that you don't know what you want, and that's fine. It's just, we're not like... a thing yet, so I don't want the fans to act like we are and start drama over it."

"You're right," I admitted sadly. He was right, I didn't know what I wanted. Feelings were a complicated thing. Maybe I was in love with Zach, but maybe I just wanted the comfort he gave me from Daniel. Maybe I just wanted to be treated the way Zach treated me.

When we arrived back at my apartment, he grabbed the groceries out of the car and carried them inside. "Thanks," I smiled and started cleaning up the products where they belonged.

"Let me help you," He said as we both reached for the pack of icecubes. I chuckled softly.
I grabbed it and bowed down to put in in the drawer underneath the fridge. As I stood up straight again and turned towards Zach, I saw a little smirk on his face. "Dang," He commented.

"Stop staring at my fat pregnancy ass," I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"It's a good ass," He laughed.

"I can't believe men," I stuck out my tongue.

"I'm complimenting you," He pouted.

"I don't wanna hear that I got a good ass," I laughed. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me a little closer. One of them moved to the side of my face, placing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You'd rather hear I like the way your hazel eyes sparkle, or the way your lips curve when you're thinking about what to say, or the way the  freckles on your cheeks almost form a little heart."

I grinned. "Yeah."

"Well, I could talk fo hours about those things. Or about the way your soft hair naturally curls, or about how your long eyelashes curl up when you smile."

"Maybe you should."

He smiled and started singing. "I'll guess which way your lips will curve, you write a book before you start to speak. I'll follow every word composed in freckles on your neck, your nose, and cheeks. So tell me how I still can't figure you out. Oh baby I would do, anything for you."



"I love you."

# shortchaptersclub 🤧

my talents include: accidentally exposing myself to daniel and then blaming him for exposing me.

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