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so i didnt get limelight so thats just

really great

if you or anyone you know is selling limelight for either the tilburg, utrecht or frankfurt show, hmu please

either on here or on my ig @/carefreemikey

thx bbs

Daniel Seavey

"Yes, I'm back," I stated looking at Zach. "And I came here quickly to apologize. I'm sorry, for everything."

"Well, that just fixes everything, thanks," Zach spat.

"I'm sorry."

"Can we talk later, Daniel?" Corbyn asked.

I nodded and closed the door behind me before walking out again, on my way to Valencia.

Getting in my car for the first time in weeks, I sat down and closed my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened them and looked in my rear view mirror, my jaw dropped. I saw the bags under my eyes, the dullness of my skin, the pain in my eyes. I blinked the tears away and started the car.

Pulling up at our apartment, my heart started beating faster. I got out of the Jeep and grabbed the roses i bought at the airport that were in the backseat. I walked inside the building and took a deep breath before walking up the stairs. My knees became weaker and my breath got heavier. I finally knocked on tbe door and waited impatiently until she opened the door slowly.

I looked up in her brown eyes, who looked shocked at me. She looked messed up, almost as messed up as me. She then looked at the roses and then back at me.

"I missed you," I whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

"Daniel," She sighed.

"No please, let me try."

She nodded. "Fine."

"I am, so intensely sorry, for everything that I ever did to ruin our family, I don't think I ever realised what I was doing untill I was in Portland, after losing everything I had. Too late, but I finally realised what risks I took, causing me to loose the most precious thing that I had and the thing I was most proud of. I had a wife, a child on the way, a family, and I lost it because of my dumb mistake, to let myself go whenever I couldn't handle the thought of missing you."

She took a deep breath. "You bringing airport roses and giving a speech doesn't fix things, Daniel. Your sorry's don't mean anything."

I just nodded. She wanted to close the door, but I held it open with my foot. "You forgot the roses." I mumbled.  She rolled her eyes but took the flowers hesistantly.

She turned around to put them on the sidetable when she made a weird turn and she slipped and fell, I could just catch her, but she still groaned in pain.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked, looking at her scared.

"Nothing, I'm fi- OH GOD," She yelled and her hand moved to her belly with lightspeed.

"Is it the baby?" I asked. She nodded. I wrapped my arms around her legs and back and lifted her up carefully, and stopped moving everytime she groaned. I closed the door behind me and walked down the stairs to my car. Placing her on the backseat, I got in the driver's seat and sped to the nearest hospital, where I parked the car as close as I could and rushed out of the car again.

Carrying her inside the hospital, a nurse walked up to us. "My wife, our baby, she fell and I-," I panicked. The nurse nodded and tried to calm me down. She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Sir, I'll have to ask you to stay calm, you can come with me, so we can get her a bed and I'll call the doctor, alright?"

I nodded and silently followed her into a room, where she quickly made up the bed and ordered me to place Valencia down on the mattress.

The nurse started attaching her to a monitor that measured her heart rate and blood pressure as I silently watched, holding her hand desperately. A few minutes later the doctor came in and started examining Valencia, a worried and serious look on his fave when he finished.

"You'll have to give birth to your baby today."


ok i know ive been gone for quite a while im sorryy n this chapter is short but idk how to end it lol


i wanna get a sugar buddy im so broke

i literally have a job and im still broke

food is so fucking expensive im not ready to be an adult yet

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