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Valencia Seavey

Daniel opened the door to our apartment as I walked in with Matt in my arms. I looked up and there were garlands around the room, saying 'baby boy' and one that spelled 'Matthew Jeffrey'.

"Surprise!" We heard and everyone got out of their hiding spots. Our entire why don't we family was here, including parents, girlfriends and Zack, who was already taking pictures again.

My jaw dropped as I looked at Daniel who was just as surprised as I was.

"Guys!" I said smiling as I opened one arm for a hug. Christina came forward first and hugged me tightly but quickly, before staring in awe at Matt. "Do you wanna hold him?" I asked her. She nodded enthusiastically.

Corbyn smiled at her as Daniel whispered something in his ear. I grinned lightly and said hi to the other people, including Tyler and Christian, who last minute decided they couldn't see Matt at the hospital, and that they'd see him at the apartment later. Little did Daniel and I know everyone had planned this.

"Hey," Tyler hugged me, carefully.

"I'm not made from glass, Ty," I chuckled and hugged him tighter. He laughed softly as he let go so I could hug Christian now too.

"I think it's so sweet the two of you named him after mom and dad," Tyler smiled. I nodded.

"They're the only grandparents he'll ever have, so we thought we had to honour that," I answered, looking back for a second to see Daniel proudly showing Matt off to his grandparents, Matt's great grandparents.

"Well, he's got lots of other family, that'll love him so much," Christian said. Tyler agreed.

"Well, you should go see your nephew," I said and nodded at the smiling before greeting Tatum, who was with Jonah's family. "Tate, Esther," I exclaimed and hugged the two girls, who excitedly greeted me back.

I spoke to the rest of Jonah's, Jack's and Corbyn's family's before finally reaching the Herron family. I happily embraced Reese, who was outerly excited to see me.

"I missed you," She said. I smiled.

"I missed you too little munchkin," I said and lifted her up from the ground.

Zach was in the back of the kitchen with Gabbie as I kept talking to his family. I'd always loved his family, they were all so welcoming and caring towards others, which is where Zach got it from.

Zach came back and saw me talking to his family. I spotted a little smile on his face when he walked back. "Zach," Reese called him and jumped out of my arms. I chuckled and greeted Zach, who hugged me carefully. I lightly smiled as he smiled back.

"Before you know it Matt will be as old as Reesey here," Myta said and laughed softly at Reese who was jokingly poking Ryan.

"He's so small, I can't even imagine him being as big as Reese yet," I admitted.

"They grow up so fast," She added and moved her hand through Zach's hair, who rolled his eyes lightly annoyed with his mother.

"I'm sure he'll turn into that one day," I said and laughed at Zach. "Just with blue eyes," I added. "And I hope he finishes high school," I stuck out my tongue at Zach, who now poked my cheek jokingly.

"You're mean," He pouted.

"Only to you," I said and greeted Daniel who hugged me from behind.

"Hey baby," He whispered.

"There's the newest dad," Zach's dad greeted Daniel too. Zach's facial expression immediately changed.

"Where's Matt?" I asked.

Daniel kissed my cheek. "My mom's putting him to bed." I nodded, sighing slightly relieved. I walked into the kitchen, leaning against the counter, watching Daniel approach me again. He wrapped his arms around me again, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm tired too," I lightlt snickered a laugh. "Just a couple more hours, probably," I said, referring to the guests. "Then we can go to bed, and just pray to God we don't have to get out every two hours," I sighed. He nodded slowly.

"I'm so grateful you're his mom, and my beautiful wife," He smiled and pecked my cheek before grabbing drinks for the guests, who now all had settled in different spots of the apartment.

I helped him serve our guests and cut up the cake they brought, giving everyone who wanted a piece. After everything was finished, I sat down on the dining table, across Myta again.

"So," She smiled lightly. "Did anything happen with you and Zach? He seems distant."

I almost choked on my coffee but then slowly shook my head. "Maybe, he's just tired," I lied.

"Really? Valencia, come on, you would tell me if there was something, right?" She asked, I bit my lip.

"He's fine, Myta," I shrugged.

Daniel sat down next to me again, and Corbyn and Christina sat across from him.

During our conversations, I felt Myta's eyes burn on me.

"It's nothing," I mouthed towards her, and she shrugged, looking at Zach who was playing with Reese and Isla.

I tried to keep up in Corbyn and Daniel's conversation, but got out of my thoughts when I felt Corbyn look at me questioning.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

Corbyn chuckled lightly. "If you were gonna check up on Matt." I nodded quickly and stood up and walked towards the baby room and quietly came in.

Matt was still sleeping like a little angel, and I sat down on the chair next to his bed. Staring in awe at him, I felt my eyes get heavier and slowly close, before I drifted off to sleep.


hi been gone for a week or so again
sorry babes

im in a very weird mood i feel like im constantly drunk?

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