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There was stillness on both sides. The hatred visible in the air would have been scarlet. Then sudden movement as Heather started to attack, running towards me, wailing like a crazy person. As she hit me, I did my best to dodge her fist at me, but she grabbed my hair and took a hit. I stumbled back and wiped the blood from my mouth.

I seize the opportunity to counterattack once she tries another blow at me.

I avoided it as it grazed my cheek, and I threw a fist at her stomach. As blood pooled in her mouth as I gagged. We stumbled apart for a brief second to catch our breaths before diving back at each other, eyes narrowed in determination.

She aimed for my face again, and I dodged her fist and came up with my own, and for a brief instant, her hazel green eyes widened before she managed to tilt her head back and slam it into mine. I saw stars dancing around my vision, but I shook it off and gave a low kick as she fell back to the ground. I dropped my weight on top of her as we started to roll around on the field, hitting each other in close combat. She caught my face, and I slammed at her jaw and heard the impact force. While on the floor, I remembered Thea's move with Ares. I wrapped my legs around her waist, put her in front of me, then held her arms above her while my arms were around her neck.

All I see is red.

Heather's nails started to dig into my skin as I hissed but wasn't letting go until she headed butt me and hit my nose.

"Fuck!" While holding my nose and groaning in pain, I heard a click, and I froze.

I heard Heather breathing hard as I looked up to see her with the gun she had before we were beating each other up. I raised my hand.

"Now, enough of this." She heaved, then spit out blood from her mouth.

"Are you finally going to shoot me?" I taunt her with a grin as I catch my breath from fighting with her.

"Better shut your mouth bitch!"

"I should say the same thing when your stinky breath won't shut up about your miserable life."

"Shut up!" she yelled. "You don't know me. You don't know a damn thing about me."

"Yeah, your right. I don't know you, but" I could feel my body weakening. "But I know the world can be cruel, but it can still be beautiful."

Heather laughed so hard; she hissed, holding her abdomen. "Beautiful? You think the world is beautiful. That is fucking full of crap. Nothing in this world is beautiful; war, racism, endangered species, and ugly fat bitches who can't attract one simple guy. I want Logan; he should be mine!"

"This obsession with Logan is getting out of hand; you need to love yourself before-"

She fired her gun, causing me to shut up. "You're pissing me off with that bullshit." Heather aimed her gun at me. "I should have ended you just like I did with Niana."

My eyes grew wide.

"Yes, that's right. I had her killed. I had her crazy ex-boyfriend out and told him where she lived. I had Niana killed. So, you will join her next in the afterlife, and Logan will be all mine."

Her brain isn't functioning right. It's like her head doesn't have much oxygen to go to all this trouble to kill me. She has a loose screw and will kill me for one guy.

I could taste iron from the blood coming from my mouth. "

"Any last words," she asked, caressing the gun like a pet. "No? Well, better pray bitch because you will not be amiss." Points the gun at me.

"Yeah, go to hell."

Heather snort. "Losers first."

I could feel my head swaying and my body weakening as I closed my eyes, prayed to god, and said goodbye to my siblings, wishing them the best, hoping to see Thea gives birth to my niece or nephew and see Ares settle down. Lily will have to go on without me, Clark, I didn't fully forgive him, and he's been a great friend, my best guy friend. Odin and Terry, I enjoy their company. The Wolfe brothers are obnoxious but fun to be around. And Logan, I love you with all my heart, and I guess my death will drain the life out of you and see two of the women you love die. Please don't blame yourself; the universe isn't fair to what Heather wants.

LOGAN (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now