Chapter Seventy-Seven

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(Riley's P.O.V.)

"You ready to go?" I look up from the bag I'm preparing for Luca and nod at Michael. He spins his keys around his finger while taking a closer look at what I'm doing. "What's that?"

"I put some things in here I thought Luca would like. I don't know how long he'll be at the hospital, but I want him comfortable just in case he has to stay for a while. It's mostly just a few hoodies of mine I thought he would like, the polar bear plushie I bought him, a manga, and a weighted blanket." Michael picks up the bag for me and slings it over his shoulder. "I can carry it!" I say.

"It's fine. I can tell you're still tired. Just rest until we get there," he says. I grumble a few words about being treated like a child and he laughs. Ever since last night, Michael has been checking on me and treating me a lot better than before. It's actually kind of annoying getting so much attention from him. It's like he's making up for the years of torment I received from him in one day.

"For someone who tried pushing me down the steps a few days ago just to get to the bathroom first in the morning, you sure are being extra caring with me," I say and follow him down the stairs.

Michael shrugs and says, "What happened with Luca really opened my eyes, you know? Even though he has Storm who cares so deeply for him and would do anything to keep him safe, Luca still tried to-" He glances at me and sighs. "You get what I mean. We've fought before to the point where you ran away. We made up but I never really thought about what I was doing to you. Would if I pushed you so far that you would think as Luca did? Even after Storm slapped me I still didn't truly think about you. I guess I'm just scared I'll do some stupid shit to you that'll push you away to the point that you won't come back."

I stop following Michael as he opens the back door to his car to set the bag down. He really thinks that he might push me so far I would try to kill myself? I've had thoughts before about people being better off without me, but never in my life have I truly wanted to be gone. There's always something keeping my mind from going that far. It could be something simple like a new video game or an assignment I want to turn in that I'm proud of. Luca's mind isn't like that, though. He's been pushed too far through the years he's been alive. I know Michael doesn't know all that, so he doesn't understand how much it took for Luca to finally snap. What I've been through is nothing compared to him. Although I know I still need help myself through the things I struggle with. Luca told me that.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere. Besides, Luca needs me so I will never think about leaving the life I have behind. Even when you were being a complete douche and I did run away, Luca helped me through that. That's why it hurts so much knowing I wasn't fully there for him. I had a feeling he was shutting down but instead of acting on my thoughts, I decided to wait for him to tell me if something was wrong." I look down and bite the inside of my cheek to keep from crying. I can't keep doing that. I need to be strong!

"Hey, don't worry about that right now. Luca is okay. He's probably wondering right now where you are. Don't start crying or you won't look good for him," Michael says jokingly and I laugh and wipe my eyes. The fact he can even say that without looking disgusted makes me feel a lot better. He's changed so much overnight it's actually crazy.

"You're right. Let's get going." We get into his car and Michael turns the radio on so we're not sitting in silence during the drive.

(Luca's P.O.V.)

Joshua left about a half an hour ago. His mom decided to pick him up since she was done shopping and she needed to pass the hospital anyway. It was really nice having him here with me. I asked him not to say anything to Chester, Becky, Angie, and Kyla. I don't them worrying over it when I'm okay. I'm also embarrassed about the whole thing. I feel like a brat who overreacted. It seems that I'm the only one who feels that way, though. Everyone else keeps saying they understand.

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