Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(Luca's Pov)

I heard someone knock on the door and got up. Storm was upstairs doing homework and I was watching TV. I got up to open the door and glared at Jackson. "Wh-What do y-you want?" I spat.

"I'm here to see Storm," he said.

"Storm!" I yelled up stairs.

"What?!" Storm yelled.

"J-Jackson is h-here t-to see you!" Storm came downstairs and looked at Jackson.

"Hey," Jackson said softly.

"Luca, go upstairs," Storm said and I nodded. I walked upstairs into my room and sat at my desk. I started doing my homework, waiting for Jackson to just leave so that everything would go back to normal. Storm got into two fights at school the other day with Jackson. I don't blame him though, if my boyfriend did that to me and said the things Jackson did I'd punch him, too. About ten minutes later Storm yelled, "Luca!" I walked down the steps and saw Storm and Jackson smiling. Oh no. . .

"Yes?" I asked.

"Jackson and I are dating again! Isn't that great?!" I forced a small smile and nodded.

"Y-Yeah. . .th-that's awesome," I said cheerfully. I ran back upstairs and shut my door. I grabbed my pillow and punched it to release my anger. "I h-hate h-him!" I sat on my bed and pulled my knees up to my chest. How could Storm do that?! After everything he's done to him! I know I should be happy now that Storm is better but would if Jackson isn't for real? Would if this is all apart of his plan to hurt Storm again? Even Michael said Jackson can't be gay. So why is he dating Storm?

"Luca! I need to talk to you!" Storm yelled.

"C-Coming!" I yelled and went back downstairs. I saw Storm in the kitchen making dinner and I walked up to him. "Yes?"

"I need to do a check," Storm said and I sighed.


"I left you home last night. I know you probably didn't do anything but I just need to be sure," he said and I nodded.

"O-Okay," I said and went upstairs to put some basketball shorts on. I put on my silver shorts and ran back downstairs. I have nothing to hide. I haven't cut myself so it doesn't matter. I walked in front of Storm and saw him smile.

"Luca, I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. I know how hard it is to resist and I'm so damn proud that you do. It makes me so happy that you're making progress," Storm said and I smiled.

"Th-Thank you," I said and he hugged me.

"Dinner is almost ready. I'll call you down in a bit." I nodded and he let go. I went back upstairs to wait until dinner is ready.

(Three days later)

"Wh-What's 4a t-times 12a?" I asked and looked at my paper confused. I know it seems easy to most people but I just can't do it.

"48a squared. Working on math?" Storm asked and I nodded. I put my pencil down and rubbed my eyes. Storm walked over to the stove and said, "Want some ramen?" I smiled a little bit and nodded my head. I haven't been talking very much since I've been depressed lately. I don't really know why but the littlest things have been setting me off. I sighed and started working on my math again. Storm made my lunch, which I'll probably throw up later, and set it in front of me. I smiled at him and he sat across from me, "Luca?" Storm asked. "Why aren't you talking?" I swallowed my food and shrugged.

"Wh-What do y-you mean?" I asked and Storm sighed and looked at me sadly.

"Is someone bullying you? Is that why you aren't talking?"

"No! I-I mean no, I j-just don't l-like to talk," I said.


"Because i-it's embarrassing. I-I s-stutter too much," I said and looked down.

Storm hugged me and said, "Luca, don't be ashamed of yourself. Why would you be embarrassed of who you are? I know you've had trouble in the past before but I wont let that happen again."

"Y-You're a good d-dad," I said quietly and smiled.

"You're a good son and brother." I laughed and took a bite of my lunch. I heard the doorbell ring and Storm got up to open the door. I shrugged and went back to my math, curious as to who was at the door. Storm came back in a couple of minutes later getting snacks and said, "Jackson and them are here." I rolled my eyes and went back to my homework, not wanting them here. "What?" Storm asked. "Do you not like them?"

I sighed and said, "L-Look, I'm h-happy you're happy w-with him b-b-but I still don't t-trust him. H-How do y-you know h-he's really in l-love with you? A-And after wh-what he d-did to y-you?" Storm stared at me and took a deep breath.

"Look, I know you're allowed to think what you want but please keep it to yourself. I don't care what you think. I love him and that's all that matters to me," he said and I looked at him in shock with my jaw dropped. He grabbed the stuff and walked out of the kitchen. I bit my lip as tears stung my eyes. I'm in a mood where little things set me off and he just had to say that. I put my head down on the table and started crying. He should care about what I think! I'm his brother! You know what? I don't care. If he doesn't care what I think then I don't care what he thinks. I took a deep breath to calm down and ran out of the kitchen and upstairs. Luckily, no one noticed me. I walked into my room and opened my drawer. I had a sewing kit in there from when I was learning to sew at school. I took it out and got out a needle. I looked at it and smirked. I pulled up my shirt and looked at my scarred stomach. What's a few more scars added to that? I was about to scratch the needle across my skin when I heard someone.

"What do you think you're doing?" I looked around but saw no one. Wait, was that in my head?

"Wh-What d-do you think I'm d-doing?" I whispered so no one would hear me.

"How could you do that to yourself? You told Storm you wouldn't do that anymore."

"I-I d-don't care what he th-thinks a-anymore. I j-just want to f-f-feel better," I said.

"Do you care what Riley thinks?"

"Yes. . ."

"Then talk to him instead of hurting yourself. You know it's going to break his heart if he found out you were even thinking about hurting yourself,"  it said. I was confused. Where did this nice voice come from and where has it been all my life? I put the needle back into my drawer and closed it. I put my face in my hands and sighed.

"Wh-What was I-I th-thinking?" I mumbled to myself. I laid down on my bed and hugged my Pikachu plushie to my chest. I bit my lip and closed my eyes so that I could fall asleep.

*I'm sorry it's so terrible! The next chapter is going to be a big chapter though! I think you all know what I'm talking about *wink, wink.* If you guys could comment and tell me what you think, that'd be great. Don't forget to vote, too! Love you all! Thanks for reading! <3*

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