Chapter Seventy-Five

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(Luca's P.O.V.)

The sounds of metal trays being clanked together fill my ears as I slowly come to. I blink a couple of times and look around the blue room with white trim and see a nurse filling a pitcher of water before setting on a tray.

I'm alive and in a hospital but I shouldn't be... I did everything right. I hit the veins and collapsed. How am I not dead?

"Good to see you awake, hun," she says and hands me a cup of water. "Don't move your wrists too much. They're going to be very painful." I look down and see them bandaged up. Now that you mention it I do feel a lot of pain.

"I-I should b-b-be dead," I mumble and take the water. The nurse sighs and shakes her head.

"But you're not. You have no idea how lucky you are. You sliced extremely deep and there was a lot of damage. Any more time alone and you would have been gone. Your brother saved your life." Tears fill my eyes as I relive in my head what I did. Sneaking down to the kitchen, breaking the lock on the knife drawer, slicing my wrists open... that's all I can remember before collapsing.

"I..." I start a sentence, but can't finish it. I don't know what to say. I was so close to death but I was saved. As much as I want to leave behind everything that hurts, I shouldn't have tried to leave behind the people who care. I can't imagine how Storm is after all this. He's the one who found me in a pool of my own blood. I'm selfish for not thinking of him.

"You have a room of people waiting to see you. I'll let the doctor know you're awake so he can get your brother," the nurse says and smiles. My hands are shaking so bad I can barely hold the cup of water. My wrists feel like they're on fire and the thought of facing everyone is making me sick.

Is Riley here? I know it's late. I hope he didn't think he had to stay here and wait for me. Seeing him will just make me feel even guiltier. He's told me multiple times how much I mean to him, yet I just tried to leave him behind. What kind of boyfriend am I?

"Luca?" I look up and see Storm in the doorway. He's in his pajamas which have blood on them and he looks like he's been crying for hours. His face is so pale and I just can't bear to keep my eyes on him.

"I-I'm sorry..." I whisper with my voice cracking and try to swallow the lump in my throat. When he doesn't say anything I force myself to look at him again and he has his hand over his mouth with tears running down his face. His body is shaking as if he's trying so hard to hold it together but failing.

Storm walks over to me and sits down on the corner on the bed. "I just don't understand... I thought you were getting better?" he mumbles while his voice cracks.

"I-I did t-t-too." He puts his head in his hands and takes deep breaths.

"You're my little brother, Luca. Nobody can replace you. You're the only family I have left. That's why I don't understand how selfish-" he takes another deep breath and I feel my heart start to break. "-how selfish I could be?" I look at Storm in shock over what he just said. He's the selfish one? I'm the one who tried to kill myself.

"B-But you're n-n-not. You d-do so m-m-much f-for me." I try to sit up more, but pain shoots up my arm as I put pressure on my wrists. I hiss at the feeling and Storm stands up to push me back down.

"I am selfish. I'm selfish and blind. Hell, I didn't even know you and Riley were together," he states. Wait, what? How does he know that? "I saw a text message from him on your phone when I went in your room to check on you. What he said didn't seem like something just a friend would say."

"I-Is he h-here?" I ask and Storm nods. "S-S-Stormy... I'm s-sorry. I r-realize now I d-don't w-want to die. I j-j-just want t-to stop h-h-hurting," I cry. I start to sob into Storm's shoulder as gets into the bed and holds me.

I Bet I Can Make You Speak (Boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz