Chapter Forty

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(Riley's Pov)

I sat up in my bed and stretched out my arms. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at my nightstand to see that time it is. It's a little after nine. Huh, I wonder if Luca asked Storm if we could hang out today. I smiled as I thought about Luca. I'm so happy that he and I are dating. He also seems a little happier, too. His real smile is starting to show more. I can't wait to take him on a date. It will be amazing. He probably won't want me to pay for everything, but I'm going to. I've saved up my allowance and I have over a hundred dollars to spend on him. Not much, but it's the thought that counts. I'm going to take him to lunch and help him eat the best he can. As he eats, I'm going to tell him how beautiful he is so maybe he'll get some confidence of his body. There's a petting zoo we can walk to near the mall after we eat. I know we seem kind of old for it, but Luca has told me how much he loves animals. And I've read that being around animals can be therapeutic. Maybe it will help him? You can even ride horses there. It's all free except for an entry fee of ten dollars to help towards the care of the animals. I have this all planned out and I can't wait to take him.

I grabbed my phone and took it off charge. I saw I had a text from Luca and typed in my password to see it. My heart stopped as I saw what he sent me. 'It's over.'

What? But. . .but how could it be over? I mean, he seemed so happy to be with me yesterday! This has to be a joke! No, Luca wouldn't joke like that. But he also wouldn't just break up with me over text. Especially not a text that seems so heartless. My bottom lip started quivering and my eyes filled with tears. I started crying and hugged my pillow to my chest. "IT'S NOT FAIR!" I cried. Michael's at Jackson's so we won't hear me. But I know Mom is home. I got out of bed and ran downstairs. I saw Mom standing in the living room looking for something. "Mommy," I said and she turned to me.

"Riley!" Mom said and pulled me into a tight hug. "What happened, sweetie? Did you have a nightmare or something?" I used to get weird nightmares from horror movies and I watched one with Dad last night.

"Luca broke up with me," I sobbed and buried my face into my Mom's shoulder.

"He broke up with you? Why?" she asked. She sounded just as confused I am.

"I don't know! He just sent me a text saying it's over."

"Riley, I'm so sorry," Mom said.

"He didn't even have a reason! He seemed so happy yesterday after lunch. . ." I mumbled.

"People's feelings change so quickly, it's hard to tell what they feel. I know you're upset, but you'll find someone better when you're older that won't hurt you."

"It's like he used me or something. I don't know why, he's the one who thought we were using him?" I said.

"Maybe it was just a show he put on?" she said.

"He wouldn't do that. . ." I mumbled.

"He also wouldn't break up with you, but look at what happened."

"That's horrible and sick! Why would someone just play with people like that?! Would if him and Storm have been lying the entire time? Why would they do that?" I asked.

"Like you said, people are sick. They might of made everything about their past up just to get some attention. They've never had parents so they probably want all the attention they can get," Mom said.

"But the night of the dance. . .he couldn't of made that up?"

"You never know. I want you to be careful, honey. Try to stay away from them so they don't use you again," Mom said.

"What about Jackson and Storm?" I asked.

"Talk to Michael about it. He can talk to Jackson about Storm. I have to find my keys so I can get to the store. I need to get stuff for thanksgiving," Mom said. I nodded and went back up to my room. I sat down on my bed and got my phone. I went to my text messages and deleted Luca's conversation along with his number. I then changed my phone background to a picture of my family. As much as this hurt, I have to forget about him.

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