Chapter Sixty-Six

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(Luca's POV)

"Hi, Luca!" Angie says as I walk into music class. 

"H-Hey," I say and sit down next to her. Mr. Robb walks in and smiles at us as he sets his coffee down on his desk. 

"Good afternoon, Luca. I see I have a new student," he says. 

"My name's Angie," she says and he smiles. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Welcome to music class. I'm Mr. Robb." 

"Thanks," she says and Mr. Robb goes to his desk. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"S-Sure," I say. 

"Okay, don't think I'm weird or anything, but could you maybe talk to Kyla and see what she thinks about me?" 

"D-Do you l-like h-her?" I ask.

She sighs and says, "I don't know. I think she's really pretty, funny, and sweet, but I've only just met her. I just don't want to come on too strong if she doesn't really like me. Also, I don't even know if she likes girls."

"I-I'll talk t-t-to her."

"Thank you," she says and Mr. Robb starts class. He talks about the project and how it's due soon. He also tells Angie she'll be excused from it because she just got here. While Mr. Robb continued to talk about the project, my mind wandered to Christmas. It's so close to being here and I still have to get Riley his sweater. But will he like that? I think I can do something so much more for him.

I can paint or draw something for him! That's it! I'll work on it next period in art. This will be perfect. But what should I draw? Maybe a portrait of him? I don't know. I'll ask our friends for some advice later on. 

The bell rings and I say goodbye to Angie before walking to art class. I sit down at the table in the back and Mrs. Poe tells us it's a free draw day. I get out my sketchbook and tap my pencil against it while thinking. I draw a circle, but then erase it. I groan and mumble, "Th-This is hop-pless." 

I sit in my seat and continue to think until the final bell rings. I get up and walk to my locker where I see Kyla and Riley talking. "Hey, Sunshine," Riley says and I smile. 

"H-Hi," I say. 

"So, I won't be able to come over tonight. Mom says I need to clean my room and do my chores. Sorry about that." 

"That's o-okay. I-I unders-stand," I say and Riley hugs me. 

"Good," he says. 

"Hey, Luca, you can hang out with me if you want," Kyla says. 

I nod and say, "S-Sure." This is perfect. Now I can talk to her about Angie. 

"Great! I'll text my mom and see if I can ride home with you." I text Storm and he says it's fine. We all walk outside to wait for our rides and Michael picks Riley up first. For some reason, Riley just waved instead of hugging me this time. Did I do something wrong? 

No, no. Stop that. I can't think like that. He hugged me inside, so it probably has to do with Michael. Ugh, I really wish I could punch the ignorance out of him. But like I tell Riley, violence isn't the answer. 

"So, Angie seems nice," Kyla says. 

"Sh-She is. Th-Thanks for sticking u-u-up f-for her t-today," I say and she shrugs. 

"No one should be bullied. Besides, I don't understand how anyone could bully her. She's so pretty. I wish I was that pretty," Kyla says and I bite my lip. 

"Y-You are."

"Thanks," she says, "Anyways, I'd like to get to know her more. I know she'd be an awesome friend." 

I clear my throat and mumble, "F-Friend only?" Kyla looks at me confused and then starts laughing. 

"Luca, are you trying to set me up with Angie?" 

"M-M-Maybe." Storm pulls up to the curb and we both get in the back. 

"Hey, Kyla," Storm says and Kyla smiles at him. 

"Hey, Storm! How are you?" she asks. 

"Pretty good. How was school, you two?" 

"G-Good," I say. 

"That's good," Storm says and continues driving home. We arrive at the house and Storm goes into his room to do his homework and I go to mine with Kyla.

"So, Luca, why do you want to set me up with Angie?" Kyla asks as she sits down on my bed. 

"Y-You two w-w-would be cute t-t-tog-gether." Kyla blushes and looks thoughtful for a moment. 

"Do you think she likes me? Does she even like girls?" she asks. 

I bite my lip and say, "Y-You've never t-t-told m-me if you l-like girls y-y-yours-self." 

"Yes, I like girls. I don't see why people let gender block what they feel. Anyways, what do you think Angie likes? Do you think she likes girls, too?" 

"I-I know she d-d-does. Y-You should a-a-ask h-her out," I say and Kyla plays with her hair. 

"You really think so? We've just met, and I don't see why she would like me. I'm so boring and ordinary compared to her," she says. I put my hand on Kyla's shoulder and shake my head. 

"K-Kyla, you're am-mazing. Stop t-trash talking yours-self," I say and she gets up before hugging me. 

"Thanks, Luca," she says, "Also, I need to apologize." 


"For being a huge bitch. When you and Riley were in that rough spot, I took Riley's side without thinking about how you could be hurting, too. I saw you scratching your wrists and you know what I thought?" I look down at my feet and bite my lip. "He's doing it for attention." I can feel myself getting depressed. We were having a good time. Why did she have to bring that up?

"D-Do you still th-think that?" 

"Of course not. I want to kick myself every day for thinking that. The reason I brought it up is because I want you to know that I will never do that again. You can always come to me if Riley isn't there." I smile and nod before she hugs me again. 

"Th-Thanks," I say. 

"No problem. I'll talk to Angie tomorrow and get to know her better before I ask her out or anything."

"O-Okay. I-I have a q-q-question," I say and she nods at me to go on. "Christ-tmas is c-c-coming up and I-I was wond-dering if you have a-any s-s-suggestions on what I-I should d-d-draw or p-paint f-for Riley."

Kyla looks thoughtful for a moment before saying, "Why don't you do a portrait of you and him?" 

"B-Bec-cause w-w-we're still not out a-all the way y-yet. If M-Michael s-s-saw it who knows wh-what he w-would d-do t-t-to Riley." 

"Then get him something he can show Michael and paint him the portrait for a secret gift," she says. 

"Th-Thanks, that's p-perfect," I say and she smiles at me. 

"You're welcome. You want to work on some homework for a bit until I have to go home?" she asks and we start working on our homework together.

*I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please tell me what you think and if you want to see anything happen in the comments! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading! I love you all! <3*

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