Chapter Eleven

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*Picture is of Luca's portrait*

I walked out of gym class holding a napkin to my bloody nose. I was walking the track while the other kids were playing football and they threw it at me. I sighed and walked into the lunch room. I got a tray and walked through the lunch line. Sadly they didn't have grapes so I ended up getting an apple with some juice. I walked over to my usual table but stopped when I saw Riley and his friends sitting there. I looked at them confused and then saw Chester wave me over. I slowly walked over to them and they all smiled at me. Riley patted the seat next to him and I sat down. "What happened to your nose?" Riley asked.

"O-oh, um I g-got h-hit with a f-football," I said.

"Oh, are you okay?" Chester asked. I nodded and looked down at my tray. Is it bad that I don't know how to eat an apple? Storm always cut it up for me because I didn't know how to bite it. I looked at the apple and tilted my head to the side confused. I felt people staring at me and I looked up at everyone.

"You okay, Luca? You're looking at that apple like it's an alien," Riley said. I blushed and sighed.

"I-I don't k-know how t-to e-eat an apple wh-when it's not c-cut up," I admitted. Kyla squealed and took my apple.

"I'll cut it for you!" she said. "By the way, that's the cutest things I've ever heard." The rest of the table looked at her weird and Chester cleared his throat.

"Moving on from Kyla's obvious crush on Luca." My eyes widened and Kyla blushed as she cut up my apple for me.

"I do not!" Kyla said.

Chester rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever, it's pretty obvious." Kyla glared at him and handed me a napkin with my cut up apple on it.

"Th-thanks," I said and took a small bite out of one. While Kyla and Chester argued I thought about Kyla having a crush on me. Why would she have a crush on me? I'm just an ugly, stupid boy with an embarrassing stutter. Kyla finally got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I looked up and bit my lip. I kind of wanted to go talk to her. . . "I-I need t-to go to th-the bathroom," I lied and got up. I walked out of the cafeteria and looked around. I saw Kyla standing by the lockers with a embarrassed look on her face. I walked over to her and said, "C-come back t-to l-lunch." She looked at me and sighed.

"Why? You're just going to make fun of me."

"I-I w-would never!" I said.

"So you don't think I have a crush on you?" she asked.

"Of c-course not. W-why would y-you have a-a crush on th-the freak of th-the school?" I asked. Her eyes softened and she shook her head.

"I didn't mean it like that, you're not a freak," she said and I shrugged.

"Y-you don't h-have t-to lie."

"Luca, stop putting yourself down like that. To be honest, I actually do have a crush on you." My eyes widened and I stared at her in shock.

"Wh-why?" I asked.

"You're like really cute and super nice. I mean do you now how adorable you sounded when you said you didn't know how to eat an apple?"

"I-I didn't s-sound a-adorable. I s-sounded like an i-idiot." She sighed and shook her head.

"No you didn't. Luca, can I ask you a question?" she asked. I nodded and she blushed. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I bit my lip and gave a negative shake of my head.

"I'm r-really s-sorry but I c-can't," I said.

"No, I get it. No one ever wants to date me. . ." I feel bad for Kyla, but I can't date her.

"K-kyla, you're l-like a really p-pretty girl and anyone w-would be lucky t-to date you," I said. She laughed and shook her head.

"You don't have to lie. If anyone would be lucky to date me why would you turn me down?" I  sighed and thought about telling her that I'm gay. What would she do? She would probably call me a faggot and be grossed out.

I bit my lip and said, "I-I don't l-like girls. . ."

She looked at me confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I-I'm gay. . ." A huge smile spread across her face and she hugged me.

"Oh my god! That's so adorable!" she squealed.

"U-um, wh-what? I asked confused.

"I find gay people adorable! Oh my god, I can't wait to tell the others!" she said. My eyes widened and I shook my head no rapidly.

"Wh-what?! Y-you can't do t-that!" I said in panic.

"Well, why not?" she asked confused.

"I-I'm just n-not ready t-to come out yet. P-please don't t-tell anyone," I begged. She smiled and nodded.

"I promise I won't tell anyone. Now, lets get back to lunch before the others get worried." I nodded and followed her back into the lunch room. I sat down next to Riley and he smiled at us.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked Kyla. She smiled and nodded.

"I'm fine, thanks," she said. He smiled and nodded and continued eating lunch. I ate my apple slices until the bell rang. After lunch I went to my history class and started writing down notes. After the final bell rang I walked to my locker where I saw Riley waiting. I smiled and he waved at me as I walked up to him.

"Hiya! How was the rest of your day?" he asked.

"F-fine, how w-was yours?" I asked.

"It was great! I got an A on my science test!" he said and I smiled.

"G-good job." I opened my locker and put my books away. I shut it and turned to him and he smiled brightly at me.

"So, how does your nose feel?" I looked at him confused and then remembered I got hit with the football.

"O-oh, that. I-it f-feels okay, thanks."

"No problem, lets go outside to wait on our rides." I nodded and followed him outside where all the buses were leaving. We stood out there waiting for our rides while talking.

"So, d-do y-you have an i-idea on what y-you want to d-do for your portrait?" I asked.

He nodded and said, "Yes! I thought of one during Spanish. I'm going to try to draw and paint an anime portrait," he said excitedly.

My smile widened and I said, "Y-you like anime?" I blushed as I said it, I don't know why though. I guess I get kind of shy when I talk about things that interest me. I'm always afraid people will judge me for it.

"Oh yes! I love anime so much! It's my favorite kind of style. Do you like anime?"

"Y-yes, I l-love it," I said.

He got this huge smile on his face and he said, "I just had the most amazing idea!" I gave him a weird look and he laughed. "We should be Ash and Pikachu for Halloween!" I smiled and nodded.

"Th-that sounds a-awesome. I have a P-Pikachu h-hoody and y-yellow or b-black skinny jeans," I said.

"Yay! This will be awesome! Best friend costume!" He hugged me and I smiled in shock. He thinks I'm his best friend? I didn't even know he considered us friends yet. I hugged him back and then we let go.

"Yeah, b-best friend c-costume," I said and he smiled. Storm and Tyler then pulled up and I said goodbye to Riley.

"Bye, Luca, see you tomorrow!" I waved and got into the car and Storm smiled at me.

"Hey, Luca, how was your day?" he asked.

"G-good, yours?" I said.

"Pretty good," he said but I could tell something was off.

Tyler scoffed and said, "Pretty good? You got asked out by one of the hottest boys in school!" Tyler smirked while Storm rolled his eyes.

"Yes, it's no big deal. Its just a date," Storm said. We got out of the car at Tyler's house, I guess we're eating dinner here or something. I hope this all goes well.

*I don't own the portrait!*

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