Chapter Fourteen

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(Luca's POV)

"L-Let me g-go! S-S-Stop it!" I screamed as I felt his hands wrap around my neck. I was about to scream again when my eyes snapped open and I saw Storm holding me down.

"Luca! Calm down, it's me Storm!" I started crying and hyperventilating as Storm hugged me tightly. I suddenly felt so angry! I just want everything to go away! "Luca?" Storm asked softly.

"I-I just w-want it to g-go a-aw-way!" I screamed.

Storm bit his lip and said, "Want what to go away?"

"E-Everyth-thing!" I said and stood up and started pacing.

"Luca, maybe we should talk about therapy," Storm said. I stopped and stared at my brother in horror.

"No! I-I don't w-want to go!" I said as tears rolled down my face.

"Luca, it's for the best. Please understand," Storm said and stood up.

"No, y-you can't m-make me!" I said and backed away from him.

"I can and I will."

I glared at my brother and said, "I h-hate you." I bit my lip and ran up to my room. I slammed my door shut and sat on my bed. I grabbed my Totoro plushie and hugged it to my chest. I started crying as I realized what I had just said. I don't hate Storm, how could I of said something so awful? He was only trying to help. I sighed and laid down and fell asleep. I woke up sweaty and tears ran down my face. I don't remember the nightmare, I just know I had one. I slowly got out of bed and grabbed my cover and pillow. I walked out of my room and into Storm's where he was sleeping. "S-Stormie," I whispered.

"Huh?" Storm mumbled as he woke up. He saw me and quickly sat up and turned on his lamp.  "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry, please f-forgive me," I begged.

"I was never mad at you," he said and I sniffled.

"I-I don't h-hate you," I whimpered. Storm smiled and rubbed my back to calm me down.

"I know, why are you so upset?" he asked and wiped the tears off my face.

"I h-had a nightmare ag-gain." Storm gave me a sad look and shook his head.

"Want to sleep here?" I nodded and crawled onto his bed. I was still really scared to go back to sleep so Storm started singing 'The Light Behind Your Eyes' and ran his hand through my hair as I fell back asleep.

I sat at the kitchen table on my phone texting Riley. He was asking if he could come over and I knew Storm wouldn't have a problem with it. "Stormie?" I said.


"C-Can a friend c-come over to s-stay the night?" I asked.

"Sure, what do I have to do?" I knew he was talking about having to meet his parents and things like that.

"N-Nothing," I said. He gave me a plate of eggs and I smiled at him.

"You know, we're going to have to talk about yesterday," Storm said. I bit my lip and nodded.

"I'm s-sorry, I know I'm s-stupid. I n-never should h-have done that," I said and looked down.

"You're not stupid, stop calling yourself stupid. It's not your fault but therapy could help." I sighed and nodded, knowing he was right.

"I kn-know. I'm just s-scared to talk about it," I said and Storm put his hand on my shoulder.

"Then talk about the things you're comfortable with first. If you want I can go in with you at some point. Probably not at first though," he said and I smiled and nodded.

"Y-Yeah, okay. Riley s-said you have t-t-to meet his p-parents, but he h-has it covered," I said. Storm nodded and we finished eating. I walked up to my room and locked the door. I went into my bathroom and turned on the water so the tub would be filling up. I stepped in front of the toilet and stuck my finger down my throat. I started to gag and my eyes watered as I threw up everything I ate. I wiped my mouth off and took a drink of water after flushing the toilet. I took off my clothes except for my boxers and got out my razor. I started to slash at my thighs and legs and bit my lip to stop myself from crying. I put everything away and got into the tub, wincing as the water hit my cuts. I dunked my head under water and stayed there for as long as I could. I heard something so I sat up.

"Luca?! Luca answer me!" Storm yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"You okay?!" he asked.

 "Y-Yeah. . ." I said. After I heard him leave I whispered, "No. . ." and let the water out. I curled into a ball and started sobbing. I hate myself so much. I got up and cleaned my face off and put on a blue t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. I walked downstairs and started watching American Horror Story.

(Riley's POV)

I got into the car with Michael and his friends. We drove to Luca's house and I was shaking from excitement. I can't wait to meet Luca's brother! We arrived at a pretty, white, two story house with a garden out front. We all got out of the car and I followed Michael and his friends to the front door. Jackson rang the doorbell and a boy with brown hair opened the door. "Hey," Jackson said.

"Hiya, come in!" the boy said. We all followed Jackson inside and I smiled when I saw Luca. But when I saw his facial expression my happiness quickly turned to worry.

"Luca?" I said quietly as I walked up to him. He was sitting on the couch with a blank expression. He blinked and looked up at me. "Are you okay?"

"Wh-When did y-you g-get here?" he asked. Okay, now I'm really starting to worry.

"I just got here, didn't you see us come in?" He shook his head no and bit his lip.

"I-I'm fine," he said. "R-Really." I think he was trying to convince himself more than me. I decided not to talk about the subject anymore. I'll just try to cheer him up a little.

"Okay, well guess what!" I said excitedly.

Luca gave me a small smile and said, "Wh-What?"

"Mommy is making me a costume! She already got the Ash hat but she's making me his outfit," I said.

"Y-yay, that's g-great. I haven't t-told Storm y-yet. I-I-I sort of f-forgot," he said and looked down.

I smiled and said, "That's okay, you can tell him later. Does he know about the dance?"


"The Halloween dance," I said.

"I didn't k-know t-there was o-one," he said.

"I know you probably don't want to go, but it's going to be fun! I could take you." His head snapped up and he looked at me in shock. "As friends of course," I added so I wouldn't freak him out. I want to take him as a date but he probably doesn't.

"I-I guess I c-can a-ask," he mumbled and I smiled.

"Thanks, Luca! We'll talk about it more later," I said. We looked over at the others and saw the guy with brown hair on his phone. "What's his name?"

"H-His name is T-Tyler," Luca said and smiled a little bit. I nodded and we listened to what Tyler was saying on the phone.

"Hey, Dad," he said. "I'll ask, hey my Dad said we're having a thingy, like a barbecue, and wanted to know if you all want to come over." Tyler looked at Storm and Storm looked at Jackson who nodded.

"Sure, let's go," Jackson said.

"Yeah, we'll come. Okay, love you, too, bye," Tyler said and we all got into the car and started driving to Tyler's house.

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