Chapter Twelve

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*Picture is of Evan*

(Luca's Pov)

We walked into the house and Tyler screamed, "I'M HOME! I BROUGHT PEOPLE!" Storm face palmed and I giggled. We heard his dads coming down the stairs. Tyler's dads are both twenty-six and are really cool. Evan is the more mature one and has silver hair, a septum piercing, and a lip piercing. Brandon is more immature with brown hair, no piercings, and brown eyes. They adopted Tyler when he was ten and they were nineteen.

"Hey, guys," Evan said. I guess Brandon didn't hear Tyler scream or something because he didn't come down.

"Hey, Dad, Storm and Luca are here," Tyler said and took off his backpack.

Evan nodded and said, "I see that. How are you guys doing?"

"Good, how are you?" Storm asked.

"I'm fine, thanks. Brandon, come here!" Evan yelled and Brandon came running down the steps.

He smiled once he saw us and said, "Oh hey, guys. I didn't realize you were here."

"Yeah, we just got here. Didn't you hear me scream?" Tyler asked. Brandon shook his head no and smiled innocently while Evan rolled his eyes.

"He was in the game room being the child he is," Evan said with a sigh. Brandon rolled his eyes playfully and shook his head.

"Whatever, at least I like having fun." Evan chuckled and shook his head.

"So what's for dinner?" Tyler asked.

"We'll each be  making our own mini pizzas. I'll call you guys down when I need you. Go do something in the mean time," Evan said. Well all nodded and Brandon and Evan went into the living room.

"Want to go to my room?" Tyler asked us. We nodded and followed him up to his room. I sat on his computer chair while Tyler laid on his bed. Storm stood in the middle of the room looking at us.

"So, Luca, what do you want to do?" Tyler asked me. I shrugged and glanced at Storm. "Okay, what about video games?" Tyler suggested. We nodded and he got out Mario Cart for the Nintendo 64 and put it in.

"How are you so good at this?!" Tyler yelled as I came in first place again. I giggled and shrugged not knowing how I'm good at this. I'm usually terrible at video games.

"Boys, I need you now!" Brandon yelled up to us and we put the controllers away.

"We'll finish later, come on," Tyler said.

"Good job, Luca," Storm said as we exited the room and I smiled at him.

"Th-thanks." Once we were in the kitchen I saw a tray of three mini pizza crusts on it. There were a whole lot of toppings, cheeses, and sauces on the counter too. Another tray had two more pizzas on it and I'm guessing those are Brandon and Evan's.

"Make your pizzas however you like," Brandon said. We all made our pizzas and I made mine into a chicken alfredo pizza. They put them in the oven and we waited for them to cook. Once they were done we sat at the dining table and started eating.

"So, Tyler, you never told me anything else about that boy," Brandon said and smirked. Tyler groaned and glared at his dad while I held back a laugh.

"What boy?" Evan asked after swallowing a bite of his pizza.

"Really, Dad?" Tyler groaned and Brandon nodded. Storm and I finally let out our laughter while Tyler explained. "Just a boy I like, no big deal."

Brandon scoffed and said, "Ha! No big deal? That's not what Storm said in the car yesterday." Brandon turned to Storm so he would explain.

"Well, Tyler is completely obsessed with this boy named Kyle. I think he likes him but Tyler won't believe me," Storm said.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Evan asked.

Tyler looked at him as if he was insane and I giggled when Tyler screamed, "ARE YOU CRAZY?! HE'S STRAIGHT!" Evan rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"I was straight in high school too. In fact, your dad and I hated each other. But look at us now," Evan said. That got me curious. I wonder why they hated each other. . .I'll have to ask them about it later.

"Y-you guys h-hated each other?" I asked.

Brandon nodded and took a bite of his pizza after saying, "Yep."

"Just ask him out. If he does anything to you for it Brandon, Storm, and I will handle it." Evan said. Glad to see I'm included. . . 

"Fine, I'll ask him out. Storm, you better help me," Tyler said. Storm smiled at him and nodded. The rest of the dinner was just us eating and small talk. After dinner was over we talked and played some video games. I noticed Storm was acting kind of sad through dinner so I decided to ask him about it later. We said goodbye and Storm drove us home. I went up to my room to put my phone on charge and then went back downstairs. I saw Storm laying on the couch watching Attack On Titan.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Just fine, I'm tired though. Want to watch TV?" he asked. I nodded and sat on the couch. After an hour of us watching TV it was already eight-thirty. "I'm going to go take a shower," Storm said and got up. He went up to his room and I decided to go get ready for bed. I know it's early, I'm tired though. I went upstairs and put on my Halloween pajamas. I got in bed and held my Black Butler Sebastian plushie to my chest, scared of what horrors I will dream tonight. 

"H-help me! Get a-away! N-n-no stop! Please!" I woke up to Storm holding me down and yelling my name.

"Luca!" He said and I screamed more.

"S-stop! L-leave me a-alone!" I cried and Storm held me, trying to get me to calm down.

"Shhh, it's okay. You'll be okay," he said and turned on my lamp.

"N-no I won't," I whimpered.

"It was just a dream," he tried to reassure me and I shook my head. I noticed my arms hurting and saw that I had scratched them up.

"I-it hurts," I said. I started crying harder as they kept bleeding.

"Shhh, its fine. It was an accident."

Storm got up and got the first aid kit. He told me to give him my arms and he wrapped them up. I was just sniffling now and said, "C-can I s-sleep in your room t-tonight?" He smiled at me and nodded.

"Of course. I'll get your cover." He got my cover and pillow and I followed him into his room. I laid in his bed and covered up. I still felt terrible and Storm ran his hand through my hair. I relaxed a little bit and he started to sing 'Terrible Things' by Mayday Parade to calm me down. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

*Hey guys, tell me what you think about the story so far. I know its probably boring but the next chapter will be something different. Thanks for reading! please comment and vote! love you all! <3*

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