Chapter Twenty-five

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(Luca's Pov)

I woke up around nine in the morning. Storm told me last night my appointment is at ten. I got out of bed and quickly made it. I then went to my closet and got a wolf sweater, grey skinny jeans, and my grey vans. I then went to my dresser and got some boxers so I could go take a shower. I think that the shower will help calm my nerves a little bit. I walked out of my room and to the bathroom. I almost ran into Storm who was coming down the hall. "Good morning, Luca," Storm said and I smiled.

"G-Good m-m-morning, Stormie."

"You taking a shower?" Storm asked and I nodded. "Let me get the stuff out of the bathroom first." I knew he was talking about all the sharp razors and stuff. It kind of hurt that he didn't trust me but I knew it was out of love. Storm also checks my thighs everytime I get out of the shower or bath. I haven't hurt myself since he found out and I don't plan on doing it anymore.

"Ok-kay," I said and he walked into the bathroom to get all the stuff he thought wasn't safe. After he walked back out he smiled and motioned for me to go into the bathroom. I walked in and shut the door behind me. Storm said he doesn't want me to lock the door incase something happens. I knew he wasn't going to randomly walk in for nothing so I listened. I got my towels and stuff out of the cabinet and then turned on the shower so it would heat up. I brushed my hair and took off my clothes except for my boxers. I stepped in front of the mirror and sighed. Why must I torture myself like this? I hate to look at myself in the mirror yet I do it anyway. I guess it's because I just love to put myself down.

"It's because you deserve it. You deserve the torture," one of the voices said. I shut my eyes tightly and grabbed my hair.

"S-Stop t-t-talking," I whispered so Storm wouldn't hear me. The voices laughed and I sighed. I took off my boxers and got into the shower. I washed my hair and body quickly since I only have forty-five minutes left until ten. I turned off the water and grabbed a towel. I dried my hair before getting out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my head. I then dried off my body and put on my clean clothes and put the dirty ones in the hamper. I took the towel off my head and got out the hair dryer and straightener. If only it could actually make me straight. Then I wouldn't be in the mess with crushing on Riley. I dried my hair and brushed it then straightened it.

"Luca, you almost ready?" I heard Storm ask from the hallway.

"Y-Yes!" I said loud enough so he could hear me. I gave my hair one last brushing before walking out of the bathroom. I saw Storm at the end of the hall looking at his reflection in a picture frame. He fixed his hair and them looked at me and smiled.

"I think your new therapist's name is Emma. She called me earlier and said that she would love to work with you. She just wants approval from you," Storm said and I smiled.

"Sh-She wants a-approval f-from me?"

"Yes, she doesn't want you to work with someone you don't like or trust. I feel that she's going to be much more understanding and helpful than Dr. Miller." I nodded and followed him downstairs. "Do you want breakfast?"

"N-No thanks, I'm n-n-not h-hungry," I said and he nodded.

"Okay, we'll stop and eat a late breakfast or early lunch." I nodded and we walked to Storm's car. I got in and buckled up and connected my iPod to the car.

"C-Can I p-p-play m-my music?" I asked.

"Of course. You don't need to ask." I put on the song 'I miss you' by Blink-182 and Storm sung along to it while driving down the road. I hummed along but didn't sing since I hate my voice. It's kind of weird though. I don't stutter when I sing. It's kind of cool but I still hate my voice. It's too high and girly. We drove to the therapy office and I got out of the car. We were a little early but that didn't matter. I followed Storm inside and saw the same secretary that was there last time. Her thing on her desk says her name is Candice.

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