Chapter 14: USJ Finale

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When the Nomu got worringly close to him, he made a portal that deposited it on its butt back to the central plaza. It tried to attack again, but he simply did the same thing again too. He felt a glimmer of hope, and he felt that he could hold out for long enough if this continued. But then, he looked down and saw that he had lost sight of the hand man.

"Shit...", he said under his breath. He activated my eye quirk to find him, but when he did, it was almost too late. The hand mans target was Bakugo, who had been holding down the warp gate. Instinctively, he ignored the Nomu and grabbed his childhood friend, pushing him out of danger. The hand man simply laughed, and the warp gate made a portal.

"Thank you, Shigaraki Tomura.", the warp gate said.

"No problem, Kurogiri.", Shigaraki said as they both went through the portal. They reappeared next to the Nomu, and Shigaraki laughed.

"Can't use that same tactic anymore, huh hero!", he said while cackling.

Izuku ignored him.

By now, the top half of Izuku's costume was in tatters due to the ferocity of the Nomu's attacks, so he ripped the rest of the top part of, revealing his chiseled upper body (All the girls blushed at this despite the situation that they were in). The tattered costume would only serve as a distraction, and he knew he needed to concentrate if he was going to fight 3 villains at once. Before he teleported to the plaza for a final battle, he heard a voice from behind me.

"Don't die... please.", Momo pleaded from behind him.

"Of course not.", Izuku answered. "We still haven't gone to the festival together yet."

He then teleported to the central plaza, and faced the last three villains. He got into a defensive stance, and waited for them to attack first.

There was a moment of silence, then the Nomu came running at Izuku. He stood his ground like a bull matador until the last second, then created a portal that made the monster run into Shigaraki and Kurogiri. They were expecting it though, and Kurogiri made a portal that sent the Nomu back on path to Izuku.

"You think the same move will work so many times on us?", Shigaraki shouted with a menacing laugh. But the portal had only been a distraction. When they looked to where Izuku had been a second ago, he wasn't there. Instead, he had teleported behind Shigaraki and Kurogiri. He tried to kick Kurogiri, but he dodged the attack. He quickly jumped back to recover, but realised he had lost sight of the Nomu.

'Shit... where is it?', he thought to himself.

Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him, and had no time to dodge. The Nomu punched him directly in the ribs, and he went flying into wall. Half if his ribs broke, and his left lung was punctured, but he ignored the pain even though he felt like he was on fire.

He slowly got up, and got into a defensive stance. 'These guys are too strong. I'll have to use all my quirks beyond their limits if I want to win.', he thought to myself. He activated his eye quirk, and immediately felt a sharp pain in both of his eyes. The prolonged use against the Nomu had pushed his eyes over the limit, but Izuku ignored it and kept the quirk on.

'How can I fight the Nomu? It's strength and speed is way too high now that I don't have One for All helping me... what can I do.', he thought to myself as he tried to think of a strategy. Suddenly he remembered some words he had read from a hero book a while ago.

Learn from everything you can, including your enemies. Use your enemies against themselves.

For the first time, the words made sense to him. Who could he learn from? Kurogiri. They had very similar quirks, so he could employ Kurogiri's moves for himself.

The Legendary Hero (OP Deku AU) (BACK FROM HIATUS)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن