"She was already chosen to marry Nick by this time, but she was my chosen mate. Our kind can't just pick the world does that for us. I already loved her as my own. I still do." Love flows off him in waves and I smile at him.

"Through the years I'd travel through time to see her. Soon she admitted she loved me and knew what I was. I was happy to hear this. I started to bring her into my world and show her my homeland. I even got her to travel in time with me.Years passed and it was like heaven for me, but she still intended to marry Nick." A look of bittersweet anger crossed his face.

"I could not blame her. The family she was in was cruel. I agreed to let her but told her she will always be mine. No man can ever truly have her. The day before her wedding Nick met me and understood. He agreed but in their way of life a married person had to finish it that night. With a deep anger I agreed. Your sister was conceived the night of their wedding. Which killed me, but Nick a man to his word never touch her again. She was and still is mine. This is how you were eventually conceived." He touches the water just as the pond shows him Leading mama into a burrow much like this one.

"Don't get me wrong I never hated Nick in fact he's a dear friend of mine." He laughs at the look on my face. I smile softly knowing he liked Father, well Nick. Then a thought blooms in my mind.

"Why never tell me till now?" I ask a bit hurt.
He reaches out and touches my face.

"When is there ever truly a right time to tell your only daughter that she is half fea and half something else. That her sister is only her half sister that the father she knows isnt really her father. That she is indeed a princess to her real Father's throne. That her mother was in love with another man while married to another? That she was born from that love." He laughs at his own words sliding his hand away from my cheek.

Bloody tears fall before I realize it. Saber grabs me to him in a huge bare hug. He slowly rocks me and I hear his heart beat against my ear. His breath hitches a bit making me look up and I see crystal clear tears form in his open eyes as he holds me tight.

"Many years I've watched you grow. Always wanted to be the father that held his crying baby girl." I hear a odd laugh leave him but he is smiling.

"I could only see you when you were a babe and at night when you were in bed. So pardon my oddness." he laughs again and I laugh with him.

"You never saw me any other time?" I lean back and he smiles.

"I was always there just not in human form." He wipes his face with a look of embarrassment.

"About time Saber!" I see Ray walk to us and tip up my chin.

"Wanna have a look around while Saber gets himself sorted out?" A smile plays on her lips. I nod standing. Saber stands too just a little slower. I started to follow Ray but quickly turned back and wrap my arms around him super tight.

"Thank you." His arms wrap around me and with a good squeeze he let's me go and I run after Ray before he can say anything back.

I look all around me at the beauty of this new forest. Every touch or movement has lights. The air is so much fresher and the water a beautiful crystal clear blue. I watched Ray glide across the ground her bare feet never touching the earth but every plat reaches for her.

"My element is Earth. It has a pull to me as I do it." her words reach me making me quickly look away my cheeks heated. I feel more then see her smile.

"My Lady may we see her?" A group of young children run out from the undergrowth to crowd around Ray touching her waist length hair and silk gown.

"That is up to her my sweets." She turns her emerald green eyes on me. All at once I see many eyes turn to me, blue, green, yellow, silver, violet, red, and orange. So many colors that glow softly.

"May we touch your hand Fair Lady Raven Lee?" Asks the smallest of them all. Her black red eyes catching my attention. I look at her closer and get the smell of wolf. It rolls off her like a second skin.

"Come here brave one." crouching down I hold my hand out to her witch she takes shyly. A bright light shines when our hands touch. I feel my fangs slide down and I look to her to see white wolf ears and a tail have showed themselves.

"Don't have to hide from me." I smile at her showing my fangs making her giggle at me.

"My Lady what is your animal form?" The small one asks as all the children cluster around me. They touch my hair and stare at my fangs. All but the wolf girl. Her black hair making the white fur of her ears stand out.

"She won't know till she's had the ceremony." Comes Saber's voice from behind me. I turn to see a huge cat. Gray white fur so long it brushes the ground. His head level with my own bumps my shoulder.

"Uncle S!" Crys the wolf girl as she charges him and jumps onto his back. A playful growl is heard from him.

"Raven this is your cousin Fayra. Ray is her mother." Ray beams with a smile.

"Hey Fayra." she smiles at me and then let's out a small howl. I jump slightly which makes her smile wider.

"Be nice. She's never met a Werewolf. Let alone a Fae Werewolf." Ray reaches out to her daughter who jumps into her open arms.

"Now about your Ceremony Raven. When do you want to proceed?" I find myself very uncomfortable. I reach out to Dev on instinct.

"Raven? Are you alright?" His claiming voice echo's in my head.

"Worried and scared. Can you come to me?" No more then a minute I ask I hear gasps all around me and feel a hand grab mine.

The smell of rain and forest reach me and I know its Dev.

"Develerance! How were you able to enter the hollow?" Ray reaches out her hand at an odd angle. Vines break forth from the earth throwing dirt in the air.

The vines charge for Dev but I blocked them with a gust of wind. I call fire to me and burn them quickly the flames a hungry blue.

I hear shouts of fear and the sound of many running. Ray falls to her knees holding her arm. Ruby red blood seeps between her fingers. My fangs fall full force. I step up to her slowly. Her white hair covers her face but I can still hear the sods of pain.

"He is my chosen mate. You hurt him you hurt me." At my angery words her green eyes meet mine. Fayra looks at me with awe and then slowly bows.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now