"Why did Jacob let you come here in the first place? I would have thought..." I cut him off.

"I made him let me. I needed to be here to protect what was precious to me. My sister-in-law, and my friends and family and my boyfriend Edward." I joked with him, he laughed and looked at me. I started walking again when he spoke.

"She's going to be." I turned to look at him, wondering why he wasn't coming along.

"Who's going to be what?" I asked, confused.

"Bella. She's going to be my wife," I had a 'shit eating grin' as Quil had once called it. "I proposed and she accepted. I smiled and ran to him.

"Oh, Eddy! Oh, my goodness!" tears stung at my eyes. "I'm so happy for you! You, Bella! Wow! I mean, mom must be so proud! Eddy!" I hugged him tightly. "Congratulations!" he smiled and thanked me.

"Thank you." He just looked at the ground and I thought there was more.


"There's more isn't there?" he nodded. "How much more, Eddy? What's wrong?"

"She had...conditions." I quirked an eyebrow at that.

"Who has conditions to marriage?" I asked. "What is this, the 18th century?" I joked.

"She wants sex." he said bluntly. Here comes the hypocrite, but I suddenly remembered what era I was originally from.

"Edward, but that's immoral! You're already damning the girl's soul.... practically...not really, but still! Really? Wow...you sure know how to pick them." I thought and he frowned. "Kidding." I joked, raising my hands in defense. Meaning it all as a joke.

"I have to turn her myself too. Once we're.....done." I laughed at his expression.

"What? She sucks as a lover or what?" he made a face, an 'are you serious' face. I laughed and just turned. "I'm sorry, okay. You'll be fine." I started walking.

"And you? How about you and Jacob." I tried to act casual and keep my mind light and uncaring and above all, free of all improper thoughts of my Jacob's sweaty body last night.

"We're fine. We're not children Edward. We know what we're doing." Not a lie, but not answering his question. Hopefully he'll drop it. "We should get going or they'll reach there before us."

"What will you do for the fight? He will see your eyes, you know?" I stopped and he was next to me in a second. "You hadn't thought it through, have you?" I stayed quiet.

"No...I just...if I had to, you know I would have blown my secret to protect them, to protect him." he made a sound and I snarled at him, very un-lady like, but still. "Of course, Edward. Very appropriate." he held my hand, preventing me from walking.

"Alice saw this and at first I didn't approve, but Bella talked me into helping you. Both her and Alice can be quite persuasive." I looked at him funny.

"What are you on about now you old fool?" I asked, making fun of his age again like I always did, even if I was only a few 3 years younger. He sighed and dug into his pocket, taking out a case with two different screw caps. He handed them to me and I opened the first. Already knowing what they were.

"Alice got you three sets just in case, but...I'm sure you'll only need two. The venom burns the material so be careful...I don't know if the same will happen to you, but....just in case. I'm sure the first will last an hour or two so be careful. I nodded my head and took the green contact lenses into my pocket. I pecked his cheek, tippy toeing.

"Thank you, Edward." I inhaled and let the cold heat flood my body.

"Welcome back." he told me; I could see my own topaz eyes through his own irises. I nodded and smacked him before I took off. "Hey!" he ran after me and I laughed at his expression. This was just a precaution, but I was strongest like this. Why take a chance and let my powers just suddenly stop like they had yesterday. One day I had my vampire abilities along with my human looks, the next I was all human all day. I was not willing to risk it, given the stakes. Edward and I made it to the tent atop of the mountain. I stopped, seeing grey clouds and a heavy blanket of white. I smiled, good thing I brought all those other blankets and such. After a while Jacob arrived with Bella who came walking towards Edward. I smiled at her, figuring she already knew.

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