Ch.33: Meetings and Greetings

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Ch. 33: Meetings & Greetings

~Jacob's Point of View~

I had to leave now. It was late and Violet needed her rest. Besides, the stupid bloodsucker kept "warning" me that if I didn't leave, he wouldn't allow me to stop by anymore. I left and went into the woods to change, I had at least three more hours to myself before I had to go to that stupid meeting with the Cullens so I'd be bored until then. While I took off my pants a paper slipped out, it was the one Vie gave for me to look at when I was alone. I opened it and read it.

Meet me at the border

when you go into the

clearing. I'll be waiting

I was smiling and grinning like an idiot. She was going to sneak out of the house. That was hot. I smiled and headed to Sam's. I'd need a reason not to go to the training and he wouldn't believe me if I told him I was sick, but maybe I should just tell him the truth. He'd understand that I want to spend time with my imprint, right? Even more now that he knows I can't see her regularly. I'm sure he would. I quickly changed and ran off towards his house, not bothering to listen to the guys questioning me and bothering me about my visit to the Cullen's.

"Sam?" I called out to him the second I made it through Emily's door.

"He's outside in the back Jacob, talking to Paul." I nodded to Emily and went outside in a hurry.

"Sam!" he and Paul both turned to look at me.

"Ah, good Jacob. The Cullen's want to meet up early, the leech saw the newborns getting ready, we should too." spoke up Sam. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"See the thing is..." I looked off, thinking of a way to say this. He wasn't going to be too happy with me missing out, especially since I was beta. I wouldn't be setting the right "example". "Um...I was wondering if I really had to go?" Both him and Paul looked shocked. "It's about Violet" I said when I notice Sam open his mouth, most likely to scold me. Paul rolled his eyes.

"Huh! What makes you better than the rest of us? I want just as much as you to spend my time with Rachelle, but you don't see me going off and missing out and let me tell you I would rather hang out in her room then hang out with a bunch of leeches." I stared at Paul.

"One...I wasn't talking to you. Two, I don't even want to think about what you and my sister do and three, I can't see her that often anymore, remember?" I practically growled the last reason at him. I turned back to look at Sam and I could see him thinking about it before he sighed.

"Fine, but Paul here will have to teach you what we learned." I groaned and Paul smirk. Great, having to listen and get pushed around by Paul, just what I needed.

"Fine." I groaned. Paul's smirk grew.

"Great. Can't wait to kick your a..."

"Enough Paul, let's go." Sam interrupted him.

"Fine. Later." he turned to leave, but looked over his shoulder. "Whatever you do, make sure to be safe!" he grinned and I just felt my face getting warmer. I quickly shook off the comment and ran quickly to where she told me to. I didn't even bother to change into my wolf form, I ran as a human. When the border line was close, I stopped and waited on my side of it, looking towards the other side for any sign of her.

After waiting about thirty minutes I was beginning to worry and sat down, wondering where she could be. I knocked out. I guess I hadn't realized just how tired I had been lately. I had a nice dream, too. Violet was there and me and her were living in this cottage out in the woods with ten little kids running around the place. I unfortunately didn't get to enjoy it much though because I was woken up by a strange noise. I looked around myself and heard nothing, but then it came again. Branches were rustling around me, I stood up and crouched down, sniffing the air.

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