Getting Along I See

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Ch 12: Getting Along I See *start*

*Emily's POV*

I looked at Sam as he headed downstairs with a smile on his face as he shook his head.

"What?" I asked, smiling myself. He simply shook his head once more before he responded.

"Nothing. Just those two already getting along, it seems." I smiled.

"Hey!" I looked up to see Jake. "It was an accident 'kay? Sheesh...Emily can I borrow your phone for a minute?" I nodded, smiling and handing it to him. He had been very sad lately because of that Bella girl. This could do him some real good. Maybe this is what he needs to relieve some of that stress from the pack.

"Do you think he'll let her stay?" I asked knowing the answer. He smiled.

"If not, I'll sneak her in every night." he said with a grin.

"Oh? And do what, all alone, Jake?" asked Quil as he came inside. Jake punched him and I frowned.

"No violence in this house boys." I heard them mutter a 'Sorry Emily.'

"Oh, hey, dad. I have to ask you for a favor...." trailed Jake off with a smile growing on his face again.

*Violet's POV*

That was very embarrassing. At least I know it wasn't Paul, he seemed more of a lech. Jacob, I smiled as his name and face came up in my head. I had this strong urge to get to know him. I smiled and bit the side of my lip. I looked at the clothes he had given me, thankful that it was winter wear since I would have to get used to this temperature. You would think that being cold literally 24/7 would prepare you for this, but you don't really feel it. But, oh well.

I quickly began to put on the clothes. It was a long sleeve, light pink, wool shirt. It was comfy except it hung from one shoulder. I thought it looked a little sloppy so I made it slump slightly under both shoulders. Man, I guess even she was pretty tall compared to me. She looked about 5' 6" or so. I stand at 5' 3" with shoes on, so you could see the difference. Next were the jeans. Which were an off blue with some tares in the knees. It was cute. She had even included a pair of underwear that still had tags, new, I presumed. I would need to go shopping.

I had brought a bit of cash with me so it should be good. I placed the socks on my feet and then my navy-blue converse. I fixed my hair, drying it with the towel. Next, I just shook it and brushed it before putting it into a ponytail. I smiled. I felt so cozy here. Well not here as in the bathroom, I meant this house. Surrounded by all these people. This comfort pushed away the guilt I had felt about leaving in the first place.

I stepped outside and walked towards the stairs. I stopped once I saw Jacob on the phone. I was going to turn around when something caught my attention.

"Thanks, dad! You'll love her. She seems like a great person. She's beautiful and, oh sorry, old man. Was I blabbering, again? Well, my bad.... Yeah, we'll see you soon then... Remember to ask Sue if it's ok, though... Alright, bye," he hung up the phone. I grew sad. He must have another girl in mind. The thought made me depressed, yet again. I sighed, maybe this was too good to be true. I walked downstairs.

"Emily? Um...thank you for the change of clothes." I said softly with a smile. She returned it and smiled just as bright.

"No problem! We have something to ask you, though....." I nodded for her to continue. "We only have one room here so..." I nodded

"I understand. I'll just be going...." The path was blocked by that warm chest again. I wanted to lean into the warmth, but restrained myself.

"Oh, no! You misunderstood. I was going to suggest you stay with Jacob here." I looked at them confused. Jacob smiled nervously at me while Emily had a bright smile on her face.

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