(S2) Chapter 41 - No

Start from the beginning

And I feel heart fall through.


I bite my lip, sighing before knocking on the main door of the abandoned industry building. I stayed there, waiting for a minute or so before two men opened the door.

"Oh, it's about time you showed up." One of them spoke.

"Let me speak to him, now." I demand.

"Why now? You know your sister has been in the spotlight right?"

"I've heard yes." I roll my eyes.

When one of them are about to speak I hear a deathly familiar voice from behind them.

"Oh, Jin? Is that really you?" JaeHwa smiles largely, his eyes begin to turn into cresent moons.

He looked different than when I last saw him. His body was thicker, more strong, his hair black with an undercut, his eyes a perfect shade of blue, clear as the ocean. His lips plump and pink, and a perfectly chiseled jaw.

You would never suspect this guy to be a bad guy, but that's how they fool you.

"It's been a long time JaeHwa." He chuckles, examining me, before signaling the boys to move and let me into the building, which I was opposed to but I had no other choice.

As soon as I walked inside, it somehow was even colder than the outdoors. The building was dim, there was no light except the skylights that drew lines in the floor.

They're were many of his goons here, standing around, talking or bragging about the armor and equipment they had. Loads of boxes of who knows what lines the walls.

Oh my god.

I think I'm gonna throw up.

"Seokjin? You alright?" He chuckles sarcastically, menacingly, evilly.

He's terrifying.

"Just in here." He opens a side door, leading into a brick office. Concrete floors with a wooden desk were present, nothing else. The only light was a single candle perfectly placed on the corner of his desk.

I gulp, before walking in, knowing this is going to either be bad... or horrible.

He prompts me to sit in a single white iron chair, rust lined its bolts and sides, I was afraid it wouldn't hold.

When I do sit he shuts the door, then following suit and sitting on the other side of the desk, in a much nicer chair may I say.

"I'm actually suprised." I flinch as his soft voice bounces of the walls.

"Of?" He chuckles a little, almost playful.

"That you came here, I thought you would run away again, like you did with novas camp." There it is.

"Look, I heard what happened-."

"She was my sister, and yours put a bullet in her head."

"She didn't-"

"Were getting off topic already." He clears his throat, looking away from my gaze.

"The reason I made you come here, of course is about your problematic sister. And that she's obviously been a pain to my group it's been a pain to just find her." I feel my blood run cold, the way he describes trying to catch her, it's really unsettling. If he wasn't so powerful I'd end him myself.

"Since I've been blinded with revenge, i see I've become a bit out of control, it's only now I've seen this. I have to credit my group for that, seeing how the whole d*mn country has been freaking out ever since the survivors returned. So I want to make a deal."


"What kind of deal?"

"Let me make this simple, I'll leave you alone if either you or your sister, take a simple.. punishment."


"What do you mean, punishment?"

"I'll stop all of this, I'll stop my rebellion, I'll stop hurting your friends and family. I'll stop these attacks. If either of you will take the blame for killing my sister." My eyes widen as he opens the drawer, revealing a pistol. He places it on his desk, looking back up at me.

"No, I can't-"

"You knew this deal wouldn't be simple Jin, I know you knew that."

"What if I refuse?" He smirks, standing up, pointing the gun between my eyes.

"Then everything will continue. And I'll kill you and your f*cking sister, her fiancé, his best friends, your parents. I'll end you."

"No, you can't do that!" I stand up, the barrel of the gun followed every inch I moved, but it began to shake as the man became more angry.

"I will never forget what your sister has done, she killed my brother, my sister. I have nobody left, and I need revenge, I have to get justice, one way or the other, and you just fell into my trap. So let's just end this peacefully huh?"

But yet, I stand my ground, probably taking my last breaths as I say.


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