(S2) Chapter 40 - "I Can't Believe You"

Start from the beginning

"Well, I work here. Part time." He gives an innocent smile as he lies so easily, Taehyung moves his hands from your shoulders and put them in his pockets, your heart dropped as he looked away.

You wanted to scream.

"Anyways." Mingyus coughs, interrupting the tense moment. "JaeHwa, I'm sure you remember him. He's after her, because of what happened on the island, which I'm sure you also know now. But, since I helped her escape by killing the woman who trapped her, apparently that was the last straw-"

"You what? You killed Nova?" Jin snaps, suddenly approaching him closely.

"You knew her? But yes, I did what I had to do, she was going to kill her-"

"There had to be another way-"

"Jin, Hey-" Jimin tries to calm the older down, but it's practically useless as he begins to have a mental breakdown.

"No! You couldn't have killed her, you couldn't-" mingyu examined his behavior carefully, realizing that he missed something.

"Why are you so upset? He saved me!" You whimper, Jin looks you in the eye, fury and sadness reflected in his eyes, shocking you and sinking your heart into the ground.

"And how the hell did you upset her? What the f*ck have you been keeping from us!" You flinch, as your older brother yells at your broken state in the middle of station.

"Jin, just calm down, it's not her fault-" hobi tries

"Oh? It isn't? Then why is this happening?! It couldn't have happened out of thin air!"

"She was scared!" Mingyu counters

"Jin, please-" You whimper, he only scoffs and spins around to face you, eye to eye.

"I can't believe you."


Tears escape your eyes countless times. You try to shush them, but your body only shivers and refuses, making you cower in your own mind.

You look at yourself in the mirror, upset with what you see.

You've locked yourself in the bathroom, hidden away from everyone after your brother disowned you in front of everyone.

You messed up.

You messed up real bad.

"Y/n, please unlock the door." Taehyung's deep voice trailed its way under the door as you grip the sink tightly, closing your eyelids to where your eyes disappear.

"You know he didn't mean that."

"Even if he didn't, why did he say it?"

"Open the door, then we can talk about this." You sigh, letting go of the sink and opening your eyes. You walk over to the door and unlock it, revealing your boyfriend there with a worried expression and crossed arms. When he sees your state, he instantly softens, feeling everything he was going to ask you evaporate.

"Come here." You push yourself into his grasp, sobs claw their way out of your mouth, he pulls you inside the room and closes the door. He rubs your back as he presses his face into your hair, whispering sweet, soft words to soothe you.

"Why? Why did I ever do that? I'm putting everyone in danger, now my brother hates me, my parents and probably you too."

"Hey, I don't hate you."

"I saw your expression ever since you saw me."

"I was upset with you, I don't hate you. Those are two completely different things."

"You might as well, you don't deserve this."

"You're right, I don't deserve this, but I love you to much to give you up. So I want to make this work." You pull your head a little ways from him, his eyes shimmered in determination, a spark that invited you to melt into him once more.

"So please, just be completely honest with me from now on, and don't lie to me again. I don't think I can handle being hurt by you again." You gulp, your body shivering.

You don't want to lose him, never. You've practically lost yourself, you can't lose him either.

He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out the thin, metal ring with a pure stone set in the middle, your heart sinks when your eyes lock with it.

Oh my god, he found it.

"Will you help me make this work?"

You felt like digging yourself in the ground when he whispers those words, filled with fear. You've made him afraid. You wanted to tell him a thousand sorry's, but that would never be enough.

"I want to, I really really want to." You whisper lowly, biting your lip as your eyes lower in shame.

"I need a definite answer Y/n." You take a deep breath before looking into his eyes, expressing longing, fear, yet showing love despite it all.


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