More than a broken heart

Start from the beginning

So many questions I have to ask myself but I don't know how to start. Okay let me start with the easiest. Y'vania is YFS Brown.


She didn't tell me. OK I now realise how she explained some stuff in an almost poetic way,how it was hard to figure out  some things she said in a simple but yet complicated way.
I take the picture and stare at her again the girl I once found weird and mysterious. Getting to know her was so hard at first but with time she let me in and instead of focusing on the future I ruined everything.

"Y'vania Faith Spencer my Brownie bae I miss you so much and I'll do whatever it takes to get to where you are."

"Doctor Anthony your dad needs to talk to you in his office. Now."

And somewhere along the line my father had to ruin my chain of thoughts.
I get up putting the photo back into my drawer and that's when something clicks,something I shouldn't have spent the whole year staring at and not being able to know.
Y.F.S Brown is simply Y'vania Faith Spencer and Brown? Brownie. The colour of her lovely eyes.       

             Miller Senior's POV

"I guess you saw what's trending. Now let's act like mature adults here. This shouldn't change what we agreed on. I have a business deal to seal with the O'Connell's and I don't want anything getting in between us. Forget about this girl because her name means trouble."

"Dad I don't know what you're talking about. Wait. Since when did you start making decisions for me?"

"Not a way to talk to your daddy son. You should be strong that's what am talking about. This Spencer brat shouldn't control your life as you can see she's seeking attention somewhere else milking the Harrington wealth. I guess that thing runs in their blood."
"Dad. You're not going to talk dirty about the girl I love."

"Oh really! The girl you love? Why are you so stupid Anthony I raised you to become a strong man who isn't shaken by anything. Why can't you realise she's never been in love with you? She's just a slut like her mother. Act mature boy try something you've never tried before. Facing the truth!"

"No. The only thing I've never tried before is realising how evil you are,what a murderer and destroyer you are and how I should be on my way to California looking for her!" He stands up and bangs the table trying to scare me with his temper I guess but its something I've learnt to get accustomed to since he found out about the real story behind her girlfriend's past.
I find it funny and start laughing at how his plan of finding Y'vania is going to backfire because by now she must have lost the baby she was carrying and somehow found out that it was due to the Captopil injection I gave her after realising that the baby she'd been carrying was my grandchild.

That was not going to happen so easily. If by any chance Y'vania knows this then there's no way she's accepting Anthony back into her life.

"Calm down little boy. Listen to daddy first. Chances of Y'vania accepting you back are very minimal." He lets go off the door and turns back fuming with anger.
"What did you tell her dad are you the reason she went to LA? Did you and the O'Connell's threaten her?"

Wow. Threaten. That looks like a good way of pissing him off.

"We didn't threaten her we just told her to stay away from us. Actually a couple hundred thousand dollars made her stay away from you."
"What? You're a liar dad Y'vania didn't do such a thing. She's in love with me. She's not that materialistic."
I laugh at his stupidity and stand up putting an arm on his shoulder.
"Now there you go wrong little boy. Seems like you don't know the girl that much. She hid so many things from you. I mean you just found out from the press that she's Y.F.S Brown haven't you? Isn't that a reason enough for you to cancel your flight to LA or someone needs to tell you that she moved in with Harrington Jr?"

He brushes my hand from his shoulder and goes out slamming the door with all his might.

"I think I might be the one taking the flight to LA this evening because this slut needs to get served. She needs to keep her mouth shut before she regrets being born in the O'Connell family and calling herself a Spencer."

I call Lizzy just to confirm if she saw the ' rise in her grandchild's star ' and luckily just like me she has a plan to shut this brat up.

"That's why I love doing business with you Lizzy." I tell her reaching for my coat.


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