Chapter 3

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The White Wolf -Part 1-

(Warning: Long Chapter)

Jin's POV

Walking through the cold weather with the snow death. Tae and I were force to go outside to check the borders since yesterday night, we didn't went out with the others. You may think Namjoon is nice and all, but he's so not fair. I cooked! I'm the one who feeds them and keep them alive!....I sighed, whatever...

*Jin Hyung!* Tae jump on my back which made both of us fall down on the snow. *YAH, What the hell?! You scared the living crap out of me you brat!* I said as I bite down to his ear softly. *Sorry Hyung but I already checked East* He said as he stand up so did I. *Good, I already checked South and West* I said while walked to the rock where Alpha howls on, the center rock, which is literally the center of our territory. *We should check the North then, and after that we should run back home I'm starving*  Tae said as he was walking ahead. *You're always starving* As I bumped into him and walking towards the North, my instincts are telling me to stay sharp. Eh, probably because It's been awhile going on borders without the whole pack.


When we finished checking up the borders for North we started to head back... Huh, why was my instincts telling to stay sharp if nothing happened--


I turned around quickly and look straight, were we last were. There was nothing. *Hyung did you heard that? Sounded like a Stick snap...* Tae said as I was getting little closer. * Yeah, I heard it...Taehyung get behind me* Tae did as he was told to. I started to smell something... I took a sniff... As I did that, I wide my ice blue eyes....It..It smell like....a wolf. *Hyung there's something up's a wolf* As Tae said that I snapped out of my thoughts, and look straight. There was nothing, but before I look at Tae...I see a movement....At first I couldn't see it because it was camouflage to the snow but....there IS a's white.....a white wolf and it's a girl... 

I growled at the her softly. She just looked at me and to Tae who was next to me...idiot I told him to stay behind me. When I was about to howl so that the others will know what's going on, she just ran towards us. I was about to howl but what's the point, she was running fast towards us. Before I could react, Tae went for it. *IDIOT, GET THE HELL BACK HERE TAE* But he didn't listen. He jumped on her and started to bite her. Just then, She push off Tae, and started to bite roughly at Tae, his back was on the tree while she was attacking him with her huge canine fangs. I got really mad for hurting my baby.  I started running rapidly towards her and jumped on her, swinging around her neck while her fangs were on my neck. She's strong, but I'm stronger. I throw her to the other side while she surprisingly slide and landed on her paws.

I stare at her deadly While I was growling at her.  She growled as well and ran towards me and I did the same but before I was about to jump on her, She jumped too but she.....disappeared? I was confused and looking around. *HYUNG BEHIND YOU!* Before I looked behind me, She was already on my back, biting down my neck that was quite open. It hurt like a bitch. I tried to shake her off but it was useless. I was turning around in circles to make her fall off of dizziness, It was useless too. Before I wanted to go down because It hurt badly, Tae jumped on her to take her off of me, It did work. She fell down on the snow while Tae was on top of her. Tae got off of her and run towards me. *Hyung lets go!* He said as I stood up and run back to the house, I look back and she just stood there, and run the other direction. Damn....what the hell was that. 


Someone's POV 

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