"Whats your story" ch 32

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shitty content, sorry I've been lacking lately, I'm a human garbage can.

Graces POV


Hannah and i walk down the boardwalk, the chilly late-summer air nipping at everything exposed.

We had meant to go during the summer and walk around, go to the beach, have dinner and go on the Ferris wheel. But with all of the Amanda bullshit and then Avery and everything happening we never got to it.

Her hand is in mine, and i wait for the glares to start pouring in, but they don't.

I sigh to myself, and turn to look at how beautiful my girlfriend is. Even though it's November now and I've known her almost three months, she is the most beautiful human being i have ever met.

I smile to myself and shake my head.

She turns and asks, "What?"

"Nothing, you're just gorgeous ."

She giggles and simply replies , "Don't talk about yourself, it's rude."

I laugh, and we continue down the boardwalk, and finally reach the end.

"Can i tell you a story Hannah?"

She nodded, "Always."

"The last time i stood in this exact spot was three years ago, when i was in tears over one of my past boyfriends. He had slapped me and i hated him. And after i just stood here, waiting for someone to ask if i was even okay."

"But they didn't."

"I stood here for almost three hours, crying. I didn't move once. Sure there was the occasional nose itch or hair in the face. I just couldn't believe what he had done. It sucks you know, when someone who you trust hurts you."

"I remember at the very end, once i had started bawling after calming down, i said to myself ,'if someone doesn't come and talk to me in the next ten seconds , I'm jumping."

" '8, 7 , 6- i said to myself. I was going to do it. I started climbing up and over the railing, and just stood there. No one was on the boardwalk so i waited until one, knowing it would happen."

"I closed my eyes, and opened my arms, counting numbers, crying. But then, out of absolutely no where, there were footsteps. And i thought, 'oh shit, no. count faster.' And they grabbed my hand the second i got to one."

"And that's how i met Tyler and Troye."


"So what's your story?" I asked Hannah.

"What do you mean?" She asked, stirring her drink.

"Like explain yourself to me, besides what i already know. Relatives? Favorite shade of green? Favorite book? Favorite type of bagel? Weird fetishes?"

Hannah laughed a bit, then took a quick bite of her soup.

"I was born in '95. Um, when i was younger my parents used to call me birdy because i used to actually tweet like a bird at them when i was hungry, and they never knew where it came from. I'm alergic to shellfish, bananas , and menthol ...."


"I have an aunt Suzan who has an obsession with gardening, and her and her husband and her just had a baby. Uh, i like mint green i guess. My favorite book is like ... Harry potter? I like chocolate chip and cinnamon sugar bagels . And i don't think i have any fetishes, do i?"

I laughed a bit, remembering. "Yes."

"What is it?"

"Lip biting." I replied trying not to laugh.



Once we got home, i could tell Hannah was upset.

I hadn't said anything to her in the car about it, because i didn't want to accidentally make it worse.

As the wind outside howled and the only sound was of the rain pouring against the house, she still looked beautiful.

"Jesus Christ, Han." I breathed, and she spun around.

"What?" She asked, and i moved closer.

"I love you."

She leaned in, kissing me softly. She pulled away, and looked at me with her mouth open.

"Grace, you know we haven't kissed in three days. "

"What? Yes we have."

"No, three days. " She explained, sitting down on the couch .

"I'm sorry Hannah. It's crazy here. Why didn't you say anything?" I asked, wondering honestly.

"I wanted to see how long we would go." She replied simply.

"I'll make it up to you, okay? How about a movie and a fort?"



Sorry this is so fucking shitty I'm not feeling it today and i hope you understand. I went to the one direction concert last night and my post-concert depression is hitting me so hard and i just want to crawl up into a ball and cry. Like i want to listen to the whole album on repeat but SOML and Diana and Happily are hurting so bad rn.

I'm a mess.

can you guys tell me in a comment if you want to have me write out the fort and movie and how you want it to be , like smut , fluff, whatever.

thanks ily vote comment share, and thanks for 20K reads, i don't deserve it.

i love you byeeeee

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