"Grace..." Ch 13

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Hannah's POV


Now that grace and i were official , i felt like we could connect more. Like i started noticing the small things she does , like crack her knuckles before eating, or twirling her hair around her finger , and even grabbing handfuls of grass and ripping it out whenever she sat on the lawn.

We came back from Starbucks that day , and my first instinct was to hop on tumblr.

I scrolled though the Grace Helbig tag , and all i saw was pictures of us , the occasional rant.

I clicked on one, enlarging it.

We were hella cute.

Grace had gone home, as it was Sunday and we had classes tomororw , but i couldn't help the feeling.

I began to think about what it was like to be a youtuber. Knowing people took the time out of their day to watch you talk to a camera, knowing they care about you.

I've never had anyone my whole life care about me besides my sister , Maggie.

But now , grace cares. And i think Troye does , i hope at least.

I decided it was time. I clicked the home button of my phone, and brought myself facing the clock on the screen, 9:47.

I unlocked it, and found Grace's number , and hit call

I asked her to bring over her camera, and her lights.


"and today, i have a very special guest, and i know his may be something you're aware of , something you're not, but i and joined today by Ms. Hannah Hart. "

I waved into the camera, nervously.

"So you just might have seen this picture on tumblr , and it has pretty much been floating through twitter and Instagram , and everything. So i thought it should be my responsibility to clarify ."

Grace looked at me , biting her lip , and squeezed my hand out of frame.

"So , i have just recently came out to myself , and a few family members as gay. I am a big , fat ass fucking lesbian and it's great. ". She laughs and i find myself smiling.

" So this is the root of all of my fucking problems though i still love her to death , Hannah. " she points to me and i immediately choke out,


I cover my mouth and my eyes widen.

Grace laughs , and i have to catch her from falling off the chair.

My voice came out squeaky and different toned , and i just fucked everything up.

"I - i mean hi" i laugh.

Grace needs a second to collect her self , but once she does , were good.

"So anyways , this is my girlfriend." She stops , and looks down , smiling.

She giggles kinda , and i know she's thinking the same thing i am.

I bite my lip and laugh slightly , she just called me her girlfriend for the first time , officially.

"Yeah, I'm her girlfriend" i say, into the lens.

She smiles and laughs , looking up at me.

She's doing that thing again , that fucking thing with her lip and i just

"But yeah, so just to clarify, this is us kissing , it's true , and yeah. That's about it. I've just gotten a lot of questions about it , and i thought you deserved to know. " Graces eyes meet mine and she looks at my lips , and i lean in , and we kiss for a few seconds.

At the end of the kiss , she bites my bottom lip, and i nearly fucking scream, until she pulls away, remembering the camera was on.

I snicker and she just fucking has to .

"I think hannah should make a youtube ."

I shake my head , "No."

"Comment down below if you think she should ?" Grace continues.

I laugh, and she quickly ends the video , and imports it to her laptop.

She doesn't take down her camera, or the lights , and i know what she's going to make me do.

Minutes later , were sitting down in front of the camera, filming my first video.


Graces POV


Since i met hannah , i think we've only spent two nights apart. So after Hannah's video was finished , i decided to stay with her.

We were watching Mulan and she was sitting up straight and i was resting my head on her lap.

I unfolded her arms from mine, and sat up for a second.

"Can i ask you a question... Like again?"

"Yeah, what?" She answered. I could tell she was concerned by her tone.

"Do you love me ? Like as a girlfriend, not a friend?"

I immediately wished i could pull the words back in, but i couldn't , they were there now. Her expression changed , and i was waiting for an answer.


I pulled my hand out of hers, and sat up straighter. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked , thankful the dim light couldn't show my expression.

"No that's, Grace , that's not what i mean , I do." She tries to recoil.

Is she fucking serious? She told me this fucking morning she loved me since she met me , and now she can't form a fucking sentence ?

"Wow, Hannah, Grand ass fucking job." I spat , getting up.

I grabbed my phone and walked out , on my way to my room , and it wasn't even the fact she couldn't answer me that made me really mad.

It was that she didn't follow.


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