"Nash" ch. 29

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Graces POV


Once the alarm was installed, and everyone was safe inside, i decided to climb out of my bed.

Hannah shifted slightly beside me , but she didn't wake.

I tip toed down the carpeted hall, and quietly knocked on Avery's door before slowly opening it.

"Avery?" I called, and she turned around.


Avery and i hadn't really talked much or even at all for that matter since she had began living with us.

She just seemed to love Hannah , and prefer to talk to her as well. I decided we should fix that.

"Are you alergic to dogs?" I asked.


"Alright, get your shoes on."

"Grace, it's like two AM."



As we pulled into the parking lot, i could already see the excitement on Avery's face, as i hadn't told her where we were going.

"Wait, are you serious?"

I nodded, taking the key out of the ignition and stepped out.

We walked into the store, that i honestly expected to be closed. But it wasn't anywhere near closed, it was absolutely packed, and i couldn't figure why.

We made our way to the back of the store, where there were five doors: Dogs, Cats, Rodents, Birds, and other.

I excitedly pushed my way to the Dog door, and instantly exploded.

There were literally dogs running free everywhere, and the room was much larger than i had expected.

There were a few doors, and a receptionist.

A small caramel colored dog ran-- no -- trotted up to me, and jumped up, waiting to be petted.

I phsically squealed, turning around to find Avery.

She was on the floor, holding the fluffiest little piece of shit i have ever seen.

It was white, and had a black spot on its eye.

I fell in love, over and over again. It was at this point i seriously concidered leaving Hannah and/or YouTube to work and/or live here.

I stood up , and made my way to the desk.

"Hi, how can i help you?" The girl with bright blue hair and a piercing through her eyebrow mumbled. I wouldn't think she would work in a place stacked up with live baby puppies.

"I'm looking to purchase a dog."

I heard something crash, and turned around to see one of the side tables flipped over and Avery next to it.

"What did you do?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"I DIDNT THINK WE WERE GETTING ONE !" She yelled, and i laughed.

That was when the most perfect dog i have ever seen came up and licked Avery's arm, where she had hit it on one of the chair legs.

It was white with black, and piercing blue eyes.

I suddenly wanted to take it home , name it Nash, and snuggle it until the day i died.

It buried its head under its paw, and looked up at Avery, wincing.

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