lol sry

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yo uh hi.

this is something i dont really wanna do, but i'm announcing this story is about over.

I'm going to chapter 50, then stopping. 

I honestly have no interest in continuing this story anymore, i have officially stopped being obsessed with youtubers. I haven't watched any of hannah troye tyler mamrie grace lohanthony andrea kian jc connor dan phil felix sam trevor ricky zoe louise tanya jim joe alfie marzia 's videos in i honestly dont know how long. I'm here to tell you, there is hope. you can leave the youtubezone, i escaped.

after going the week while i was in the hospital without watching any youtube, i stopped caring???? like i look back on his story and cringe. no hard feelings towards any of you guys, its juust me.

again, im sorry if this makes anyone upset or whatever which i doubt, since this story sucked huge amounts of ass. 

so, this isnt goodbye. yet. 

i still love you guys :)

i started a new story called expiration date, and its not a fanfic or anything, its just a story. i could really use some feedback so my inbox is always open.

bkhwegjhdnykrbsfnsxfcndfc ebnrdfnxjwe



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