"omg grace, again?" Ch5

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Graces POV


It was the morning , and i had woken up to hannah sleeping peacefully beside me. I noticed mamrie wasn't in her bed , and felt horrible. Either she had slept with someone or felt too awkward to come back.

I stumbled over a boot on Hannah's floor , and i made my way to the cafe.

I grabbed a corn muffin for me , and a bagel for hannah , guessing she would be hungry , and a sunny d

I realized there wasn't many people awake yet , so i checked my phone , and my eyes widened when i understood it was only 4:30 in the morning.

I paid , saying thank you to the cashier and walked back to Hannah's room. I left the food on the desk in her room , and started up the hall to my dorm.

I pushed the card into the slot and twisted the doorknob, to reveal nothing.

My room was SPOTLESS.

My roommate , Zoe (a/n DUN DUN DUN) was asleep next to her boyfriend , alfie in the small bed.

I slowly tiptoed to my bed , and picked up my extra bag , filling it to its brim with clothes , money , and everything i would need , including my meds. I shut the door silently behind me , and made my way back to Hannah's room.


Hannah's POV


My alarm went off at 5:30 and i reached over to grab Grace , when i realized she wasn't there. I sat up , noticing a muffin on my desk , next to a bagel.

Mamrie still wasn't back , so i got up and changed .

As i was pulling my shirt over my head , i began thinking about where Grace could have been.

I pulled out my phone and texted her asking where she was , receiving no answer.

I had begun to freak out.

Was she cheating on me ? If she was it wouldn't matter , but it wouldn't be cheating then. I mean we've only been dating two days. Was this even dating ..? It's not , I'm too clingy. Maybe she doesn't like me anymore , maybe i did something that made her mad and she hated me. Is it because of how fast we were moving? I began crying. I acted like id known her my whole life , and i haven't known her three days ... It's my fault , i know. I hate myself so much.

I rummaged through my desk drawers until i found it. It was a small box that Zoe had given a necklace to me in on our one year anniversary. Inside were these small dumb pieces of fucking metal that have found their way into my life. These fucking pieces lifeless metal ruined my life.

But i couldn't live with out them.

I picked out my one particular favorite , a big trapezoidal one that goes inside pocket knives.

I ran my finger along the edge , welcoming the blood.

I brought it to my wrist , loving the feel of cold metal against my warm skin. And dug it in. The blood rose instantly , as i had cut deep. I smiled with tears in my eyes at what this dumb fucking piece of metal did to me , or i should say i did to myself.

I loved it.


Graces POV


I slid Hannah's key card into its slot , making sure my hair was okay.

As i turned the knob , i heard sobbing , just like the day i met her. I dropped my bag at the door , and she gasped and turned to face me , her arm dropping down to her side , but leaving a red smear against her white tank top.

I stared at her , wide-eyed , for a bit. I couldn't believe it. She told me she cut , but i never thought I'd see her doing it. The tears flooded to my eyes, though unwelcome.

"H-hannah." I choked out , my voice cracking.

"Grace, I'm so sorry. " she smiled at me. Why is she fucking smiling ?

"Why a-" i started , my voice cracking once again , so i started over , " why are you smiling?"

"I..."she began. I choked out a sob , and left

" i swear to fucking god hannah." I screamed at her as i left the room , running to god know where.

"Grace!" She screamed after me and began to jog.

I powered my legs as fast as they could go , and rounded the corner

I slid my key into my door as fast as i could and was horrified at the sight i found .

Alfie and Zoe were having sex .

I screamed and closed the door , dropping my key , and not caring.

I continued up the stairs , and stopped as i felt my stomach flop , i felt instantly sick as i remembered everything in the past few days.

And i puked again , this time all over the wall , and i gave up.

I sat down , and i could still hear hannah shouting my name , getting closer. I curled up in a ball , and let the tears flow.

"G-grace let me explain!" Hannah screamed half way up the stairs , and she rounded the corner , noticing my state.

"Oh my god ,Grace , again?" I nodded.

I had at this point gotten up seemingly uncounciously , and kissed her , kissed her harder than i ever had. She brought her hand up to my face and i pulled her closer , never wanting her to leave.


Hannah's POV


I noticed the puke on the floor first , then i saw grace curled up next to it .

"Oh my god grace , again?" I asked , and when se began to get up , at first , i though she was going to slap me , but when she pressed her lips to mine in a way no one has ever before , i knew she meant it. I didn't care she literally just threw up , i didn't care at all. I touched behind her thighs , signaling for her to jump up onto me , and she did , and i rounded the corner again , towards the elevator . She reached out and pressed the button for it to go down , never releasing her lips from mine .

In the elevator , pushed her up against the wall and she gasped , and tangled her fingers into my hair.

The door dinged , and it opened to a few of my teachers , chatting on their way upstairs , and their eyes widened at the sight. I laughed , and flipped them off , only for them to gasp again. I lifted grace up off the railing on the inside of the elevator , and carried her , giggling back to my room.

Mamrie was there , and i didn't care.

"Mamrie , please fuck off ." I said , not taking my eyes off grace.

"No fucking problem," she said , laughing . She grabbed her laptop and got up and left , closing the door.

"Let's try this again, shall we .?" I smirked to her.



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