"The devil herself" ch 14

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Graces POV


" I go crazy 'cause here

isn't where I want to be

And satisfaction feels

like a distant memory

And I can't help myself

All I want to hear her say is

"Are you mine?"

Well Are you mine?

Are you mine?

Are you mine?

I guess what I'm trying to say is

I need the deep end,

I keep imagining meeting

Wished away entire lifetimes

Unfair we're not somewhere

misbehaving for days

Great escape

Lost track of time and space

She's a silver lining

climbing on my desire

I go crazy 'cause here

isn't where I want to be

And satisfaction feels

like a distant memory

And I can't help myself

All I want to hear her say is

"Are you mine?""

The music seeps through my ears.

It's 3:28 and I'm up , in the bathroom.

Guess what I'm doing.

You're right , I'm vomiting.

Every fucking time anything goes wrong , my anxiety pumps up , and makes me phsycially ill.

I've never liked fast music.

Hannah doesn't either, i remember we listen-- no , fuck , Grace stop.

I have to stop thinking about her. She doesn't give a shit about me.

Zoe came home a few hours ago, stumbling through the door and is now passed out drunk.

Her and alfie got into a fight outside the door literally minutes after i got back from fighting with hannah , and she came in crying , screaming about going to Louise's .

And now here we are.

I'll spare you the details , but it got nasty.

I barely made it to the bathroom , it came on out of no where.

One second i was crying , and now this.

I've always hated throwing up , ever since i was little , but a lactose issue and an anxiety disorder later , I've gotten used to how horrible it is.

I've been debating texting hannah from my crouched, half crying, half singing, half puking position for the last two hours.

No matter what, i know this was going to be some after type bullshit where Tessa's all like "we can't be together" and Harry's all "but i love you".

What am i even saying, Im too tired , i feel high, despite the burning coolness in my throat.

I'm sitting in the shower, because why the fuck not, and i hear footsteps outside the door, and in comes a running zoe, leaning over the toilet and emptying the contents of her stomach.

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