"We can stop" ch 6

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[Warning slight smut]

Graces POV

Hannah threw my on her bed , getting up to shut the door , and my heart began to race. I was excited , but i had never had sex before and i was honestly scared . Not even because i didn't want to do anything wrong , but because i didn't know how i felt about becoming completely exposed to her.

I've never been comfortable with my body.

She came back , and i sat up , and she kissed me , and i began to worry.

I couldn't even close my eyes , i wasn't comfortable.

Her hands roamed my body and i couldn't take it anymore.

I pulled away , and she looked at me , her smile fading.

"Grace , i get it , we can stop." , she said , noticing what i was going to say.

"No, i want to do something for you. " i said.

She but her lip. I could tell she wanted me to too , but she didn't want to push me. "No grace , i can do it myself. " she said laughing. I laughed , and for real.

"You're not the first one who's felt like this with me. I come on really strong , I'm sorry. " and my smile faded.

" no, it's not that. And i don't even care about the sex thing. It's just ..." I added.

She sat waiting for me to continue. But i couldn't. I didn't want her to worry about me like i do about her.

"Just... What?" She asked , her eyes searching mine for any emotion.

"I'm just not comfortable with my body , okay? I don't want you to judge me. I can't lose you. " i blurted , not even realizing i did.

She grabbed my hand , her thumb brushing over mine.

" babe, I'm not going to judge you. Were the same , I'm like that too. After a while , it's normal. You don't have to think about it. " she said , though she looked really conserned, she wore a smile.

I looked down at the bedspread.

No, not now. You can't cry. It would have been one of the worst ones too , when you aren't even sad , you're just crying for no reason.

A single tear fell , and landed on Hannah's leg. She noticed and pulled me into a hug.

"I can take care of it okay? I'll be back." She said with a smile , and i knew exactly what she meant . She reached into one of her drawers that held her clothes , and dug to the bottom , and pulled out something , and retreated into the bathroom , flashing a smile at me.

I turned on her tv and settled on full house , and laid down , though i meant to go to my classes today.

Luckily for hannah , the doors in the dorms were always really thick, so i couldn't hear much

Is it bad i was disappointed .? I started thinking. I bet she sounded cute. Like i bet you would be able to tell it was hannah. Hopefully I'll find out soon...

No, Grace , snap out of it. You're weird. I mean, it is natural to wonder i guess. But you're being weird Grace , stop thinking like that, what would hannah do if she knew what you were thinking? Then the door opened , and i quickly turned my attention back to the tv screen, acting as casual as possible.

She walked back to the drawer, opened it and closed it , then sat down next to me , and i buried my face into her chest.

She hugged me back , and when she pulled away to get food, i took out my phone and texted zoe , asking if she'd skip because i hadn't seen her and wanted to catch up.

"Is it okay if my roommate comes over for a little bit? I haven't seen her since this morning .." I trailed off. Maybe she didn't see me. It probably won't be awkward.

"I haven't seen her for a while. " i finished.

"Yeah, of course babe." Hannah smiled.

Hannah came to sit down with me and watch full house , when zoe texted me back saying she'd leave at the end of this period because they were taking a test.

Hannah and i got up and went down to get pizza from the cafe before Zoe got over , and brought it back up to our room.

I had just set the pizza down when there was a knock at the door , and i knew it was zoe.

I walked over and opened it . "Hi grace! " she said in her accent , i loved it. She pulled me into a hug , smiling.

Though when she pulled away , she wasn't smiling anymore, and she was focused on something behind me...

I turned, and her and Hannah's eyes were locked.



Sorry this is short , I'll update again probably.

Happy 4/20

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