"You're no fun." Ch 35

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We were sat around the table that we had actually never officially used. Everyone used to just go up into their room and eat by themselves or on the couch or whatever.

Me and Grace were on one side, Avery next to me, then on the other side was Jacob Troye and Tyler, and Ruby squished in between them.

My parents were at the head of the table, because apparently they were cool enough.

"I just want to say before we start eating, that i really fucking hope this goes okay, and that everyone can be nice to each other?" I asked, eyeing my parents who finched when i swore.

"Now eat." I instructed after every one was staring at me.

Grace ended up ordering food from this amazing Italian place down the street, which is so perfect in every way.

She ended up buying way too much food. She bought like four of the chicken, penne and broccoli, which had like wine sauce on it.

She got meatballs, breadsticks, and the Italian bread they give you before your meal.

Then there was salad and a big pepperoni pizza, which was steaming up into my mothers glasses and fogging them.

I figured i would have to bring some food over to the college for Mamrie and everyone.

I watched my parents take bites slowly into their food, making me look down only to realize i was halfway done with my second helping of the spaghetti and meatballs.

I slowly chewed what was in my mouth, then placing my fork down.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" My mother asked, breaking the silence.

"No, i just um- i ate before. I'll keep some in the fridge though." I explained, and looking down at my plate, now seeing nothing but calories.

I sighed to myself, realizing i would have to throw this up later, and not really minding besides the fact my parents could hear.

It was dead silent again and i broke through my thoughts, realizing it wasn't actually silent.

Avery was talking to my mother about school, Jacob talking to my dad about sports and acting like he understood.

I squeezed Graces hand under the table, and she smiled straight ahead, not wanting to give it away.

Eventually the conversation died down as everyone became focused on their food again, everyone but me.

I was looking around making sure everything was okay, seeing if i could read anything bad off of my parents faces.

But i couldn't, i honestly think they were okay.

I smiled again, eyeing the pizza.

No one had touched it , and i wanted it.

It looked really good, and i watched it steaming and i wanted to eat this fucking pizza.

I distracted myself though, fixing my gaze onto Troye who was already trying to get my attention.

He mouthed to me , 'are you alright?' And i nodded, though he could probably tell it was a lie.

I watched everyone eat for a bit until we finished up, and The kids ran upstairs after thanking us.

So now it was just the two gay couples against homophobic, judge mental parents.

I excused myself, to the bathroom to get rid of what i had eaten before i had to wait any longer.

I tried being as quiet as possible, but it's not that easy to vomit with people basically next to you.

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